The ASP WeChat public platform interface implementation code seen by bluedidea, friends in need can refer to it.
Copy the code code as follows:
<%@Language="VBScript" CodePage="65001"%>
'ASP files need to be saved in UTF-8 format, otherwise they will be garbled.
'The following two lines of code are for verification through the WeChat interface.
'response.write request("echostr")
dim signature 'WeChat encrypted signature
dim timestamp 'timestamp
dim nonce 'random number
'dim echostr 'random string
token="ldwz"'the token you added in the background
signature = Request("signature")
nonce = Request("nonce")
timestamp = Request("timestamp")
dim ToUserName 'Developer WeChat account
dim FromUserName'sender account (an OpenID)
dim CreateTime 'Message creation time (integer)
dim MsgType 'text
dim Content 'Text message content
set xml_dom = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")'This is rewritten according to your actual server situation
xml_dom.load request
FromUserName=xml_dom.getelementsbytagname("FromUserName").item(0).text 'Sender's WeChat account
ToUserName=xml_dom.getelementsbytagname("ToUserName").item(0).text 'Receiver's WeChat account. That is our public platform account.
if MsgType="text" then
end if
'dim mingling
if (MsgType="event") then
strEventType=xml_dom.getelementsbytagname("Event").item(0).text 'WeChat event
if strEventType="subscribe" then 'Indicates subscribing to WeChat public platform
ElseIf strEventType="unsubscribe" Then'Cancel close
end if
end if
response.write strsend
set xml_dom=Nothing
'******************The following code is for debugging only**********
'Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'set fopen=fso.OpenTextFile(filepath, 8,true)
'set fso=nothing
'set fopen=Nothing
'******************Debugging End************************
function gz(fromusername,tousername)
gz="<xml>" &_
"<ToUserName><![CDATA["&fromusername&"]]></ToUserName>" &_
"<FromUserName><![CDATA["&tousername&"]]></FromUserName>" &_
"<CreateTime>"&now&"</CreateTime>" &_
"<MsgType>news</MsgType>" &_
"<ArticleCount>5</ArticleCount>" &_
"<Articles>" &_
"<item>" &_
"<Title>A second-hand car trading market without profit margin</Title>" &_
"<Description>Liaocheng second-hand car is a second-hand car market that combines online and physical second-hand cars. It mainly provides second-hand car transaction information in Liaocheng and surrounding cities with Liaocheng second-hand car information. You can view and publish second-hand car information for free, and handle Used car related business.
"</Description>" &_
"<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>" &_
"<Url><![CDATA[]]></Url>" &_
"</item>" &_
"<item>" &_
"<Title><![CDATA[View used car information]]></Title>" &_
"<Discription><![CDATA[All used car information]]></Discription>" &_
"<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>" &_
"<Url><![CDATA[]]></Url>" &_
"</item>" &_
"<item>" &_
"<Title><![CDATA[Second-hand car transfer procedures]]></Title>" &_
"<Discription><![CDATA[Second-hand car transfer procedures]]></Discription>" &_
"<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>" &_
"<Url><![CDATA[]]></Url>" &_
"</item>" &_
"<item>" &_
"<Title><![CDATA[What is not earning the difference]]></Title>" &_
"<Discription><![CDATA[e-commerce]]></Discription>" &_
"<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>" &_
"<Url><![CDATA[]]></Url>" &_
"</item>" &_
"<item>" &_
"<Title><![CDATA[Contact Us]]></Title>" &_
"<Discription><![CDATA[Contact Us]]></Discription>" &_
"<PicUrl><![CDATA[]]></PicUrl>" &_
"<Url><![CDATA[]]></Url>" &_
"</item>" &_
"</Articles>" &_
"<FuncFlag>1</FuncFlag>" &_
"</xml> "
end function
function text(fromusername,tousername,returnstr)
text="<xml>" &_
"<ToUserName><![CDATA["&fromusername&"]]></ToUserName>" &_
"<FromUserName><![CDATA["&tousername&"]]></FromUserName>" &_
"<CreateTime>"&now&"</CreateTime>" &_
"<MsgType><![CDATA[text]]></MsgType>" &_
"<Content><![CDATA[" & returnstr & "]]></Content>" &_
"<FuncFlag>0<FuncFlag>" &_
end function