Although has released relevant codes before, some special websites are not perfect. Recently, I helped a customer modify the system and found this code. I found it to be pretty good, so I extracted it for everyone's convenience. Copy the code code as follows:
host=index_cn.asp'front desk dynamic address
filename=index_cn.html'Generate static file name
Fso_info host,folder,filename
response.write generates static HTML for the Chinese homepage of the website.<br />
'Generate html
Function Fso_info(host,folder,filename)
if SaveFile(&folder&filename&,&host&) then
response.Write &folder&filename& generated successfully. <br />
Response.write &folder&filename& failed to generate <font color='#FF0000'></font>. Maybe your file name contains special characters.<br />
end if
End Function
'Generate file
function SaveFile(LocalFileName,RemoteFileUrl)
Dim Ads, Retrieval, GetRemoteData
On Error Resume Next
Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject(Microso & ft.XM & LHTTP) '//Split the words to prevent accidental killing by anti-virus software
With Retrieval
.Open Get, RemoteFileUrl, False, ,
GetRemoteData = .ResponseBody
End With
Set Retrieval = Nothing
Set Ads = Server.CreateObject(Ado & db.Str & eam) '//Split the words to prevent accidental killing by anti-virus software
With Ads
.Type = 1
.Write GetRemoteData
.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(LocalFileName), 2
End With
Set Ads=nothing
if err <> 0 then
SaveFile = false
SaveFile = true
end if
End function