Rookie Academy:
[UDF Series 4]: Passing and returning data to a UDF written in Delphi
translated by warton
Author: chris levesque, tina grubbe, brett bandy
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[Translator’s statement]:
I have translated several articles about writing UDF before. Although some friends may have gotten a little help from them, they may not be familiar with UDF.
There are still some problems in understanding. Today, I will translate two more articles, both of which are from mer system (
Yes, interested friends can view the original text.
When the dynamic link library does not take special precautions for protected data values, our UDF has data results with parameter values or return values.
May be in a protected exception or error result.
Each date value is stored in two 32-bit integer types: a signed integer representing the date, and a
An unsigned integer of time. Use delphi code to define this structure (isc_quad) and the pointer to the structure (pisc_quad):
{interbase date/time record}
isc_quad = record
isc_quad_high : integer; // date
isc_quad_low : cardinal ; // time
pisc_quad = ^isc_quad;
In order to protect the return value, declare a thread-safe isc_quad variable outside the function definition so that it holds the return value (if the return value
is a date type data).
tempquad : isc_quad;
Then write your function so that the result points to the thread variable.
//define function
// this function adds a number of days to an existing date.
function dayadd( var days: integer; ibdate pisc_quad) : pisc_quad; cdecl; export;
tempquad.isc_quad_high := ibdate^.isc_quad_high + days;
tempquad.isc_quad_low := ibdate^.isc_quad_low;
result := @tempquad;
The author comes from: mer systems inc..