Many web pages have background patterns that make the page look more eye-catching. However, you can also design this type of form in Delphi. One method that immediately comes to mind is to use the image component and then specify a picture. This is of course feasible, but a BMP image that can fill the entire form will take up a lot of memory space, so it is not worthwhile. The best way is to just download a very small BMP image and paste it over the entire form.
Instead of using the Image component, the Bitmap component is used to download a small bitmap. Add variable definition to the Public section: Bitmap: TBitmap; then generate this object in the OnCreate event of the form, the code is as follows:
PRocedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender:Tobject);
begin Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create;??
Bitmap.LoadFormFile('1.bmp');//Picture file 1.bmp is only 1KB in size??
The third step is to paste the bitmap pattern onto the entire form in the OnPaint event of the form. Add the following code:??procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender:Tobject)var x,y:integer;begin y:=0;while y do begin X:=0; while X do begin cancas.Draw(X,Y,Bitmap);?? X:=X+Bitmap.Width; end; Y:=Y+Bitmap.Heigth; end;end;Forgot to release the Bitmap object in the OnDestory event of the form. Specific code: Bitmap.Free; OK, when the form is displayed, it will have a background like a web page, and it does not take up much memory space.