New features in DELPHI 6
BizSnap™ simplifies e-commerce integration by easily and seamlessly creating and using XML/SOAP-based web services
DELPHI 6 fundamentally simplifies building next-generation e-commerce programs on the Internet through fully SOAP-based network services and XML data exchange support. The seamless integration of XML and network service technology with DELPHI 6 brings the only rapid development tool for industrial standardized network services and the integration of B2B, B2C and P2P on the Internet.
WebSnap™ is a control-based network program development framework that supports popular network servers (such as Apache, Netscape and IIS)
WebSnap enables DELPHI to fit directly into today's web development teams. Through WebSnap, DELPHI programs can be seamlessly integrated into websites and website development teams using today's popular HTML development environments such as Dreamweaver, Frontpage, VBScript and javaScript.
DataSnap™ enables any client program or service to connect to any master database through the Internet through high-performance network service database middleware
DataSnap supports almost all major database servers such as Oracle, MS-SQL Server, Informix, IBM DB2, Sybase and InterBase. Client programs can connect to high-performance DataSnap servers over the Internet via the SOAP/XML HTTP industry standard without the need for cumbersome client drivers and cumbersome configuration. DCOM, CORBA and TCP/IP connections are also supported.
Writing single source code Windows/linux programs
DELPHI 6 is compatible with Kylix! High-performance, portable Windows programs written using the cross-platform CLX™ control library and visual designer can be easily compiled on Linux using Borland Kylix (sold separately). Also, CLX-based Kylix programs in Linux can also be recompiled in DEPHI 6 on Windows. DELPHI 6 includes BaseCLX, VisualCLX, DataCLX and NetCLX controls.
Integration of DELPHI 6 and AppServer
Connect any DELPHI 6 program and network service to Borland AppServer/EJBs by using the new SIDL (Simple IDL). Easily build an ultra-high-performance rich graphical user interface Windows client for EJB-based AppServer programs. Introducing AppServer EJB capabilities such as industry-standard SOAP/XML web services to the world over the Internet.
Borland VisiBroker for DELPHI--Client server development
Build ultra-high performance rich graphical user interface Windows and web browsing clients for VisiBroker CORBA and AppServer/EJB programs. Now in DELPHI 6 you can build CORBA VisiBroker server objects that interact with any CORBA client and object in a variety of IT environments.
Supports the latest WINDOWS 2000/ME and Office 2000 graphical user interfaces
Through ActionBands, ActionManagers and Shell Controls, you can easily create the most popular dynamic user interface that conforms to the latest trends in Microsoft UI. Eliminate complex user interfaces by letting end users fully customize their own UI usage.