Copy the code code as follows:
//Put it in function(){} of onReady
Ext.QuickTips.init(); //Provide prompt information function for components. The main prompt information of form is the error message of client verification.
Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget='side'; //Prompt method, enumeration value is:
qtip - displays a tip when the mouse moves over the control;
title-The title displayed in the browser, but the test result is the same as qtip;
under-displays an error message under the control;
side-displays an error icon on the right side of the control, and displays an error prompt when the mouse points to the icon. Default value;
id-[element id] error message is displayed in the HTML element of the specified id
1. The simplest example: null verification
Copy the code code as follows:
//Two parameters for null verification
allowBlank:false//false cannot be empty, the default is true
blankText:string//Error message when it is empty
js code is:
Copy the code code as follows:
var form1 = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
{fieldLabel:"cannot be empty",
allowBlank:false, //blank is not allowed
blankText:"cannot be empty", //error message, the default is This field is required!
2. Use vtype format for simple verification.
In this example of email verification, rewrite the items configuration of the above code:
Copy the code code as follows:
{fieldLabel:"cannot be empty",
vtype:"email",//email format verification
vtypeText: "Not a valid email address", //error message, I won't go into the default value.
You can modify the above vtype to the following verifications supported by the following vtypes of extjs by default:
//The default supported type of vtype in form validation
1.alpha //Only letters can be entered, others (such as numbers, special symbols, etc.) cannot be entered
2.alphanum//Only letters and numbers can be entered, no other input is possible verification, the required format is ""
4.url//url format verification, the required format is
3. Advanced custom password verification
The previous verifications are all provided by extjs, and we can also customize the verification function.
Copy the code code as follows:
//First use the Ext.apply method to add a custom password verification function (you can also give it another name)
password:function(val,field){//val refers to the text box value here, field refers to this text box component, everyone must understand this meaning
if(field.confirmTo){//confirmTo is our custom configuration parameter, generally used to save the id value of another component
var pwd=Ext.get(field.confirmTo);//Get the value of the id of confirmTo
return (val==pwd.getValue());
return true;
//Configure items parameters
fieldLabel:"Confirm password",
vtype:"password",//Customized verification type
vtypeText: "The two passwords are inconsistent!",
confirmTo:"pass1",//The id of another component to be compared
4. Use regular expression verification
Copy the code code as follows:
new Ext.form.TextField({
fieldLabel : "Name",
name : "author_nam",
regex: /[/u4e00-/u9fa5]/, //The regular expression is between /...../. [/u4e00-/u9fa5]: Only Chinese can be entered.
regexText: "Only Chinese can be entered!", //Regular expression error message
allowBlank: false //This verification is still valid. It cannot be empty.