Many websites are now developed using .net.
Front-end development has another platform,
Due to the use of VSS source code manager, programmers often worry about obtaining files.
Especially the styles, pictures.
Directory structure
├─App_Code --------------------------cs code library directory
├─App_Theme ------------------Theme directory
├─Bin--------------------------dll calling directory
│ ├─app -----------------------Dynamic Control Directory
│ │ ├─brand ------------------Brand area
│ │ ├─catagory ---------------Product catalog
│ │ ├─club ------------------ Community
│ │ ├─default ----------------Home page
│ │ ├─login ------------------User login
│ │ ├─news -------------------News
│ │ ├─product ----------------Product catalog
│ │ └─public ------------------Public directory (some header public frame pages, if they are dynamic, they are also placed in this directory)
│ └─html ----------------------Static control general directory (the subdirectories below are similar to controls/app, but only store manually updated controls)
│ ├─brand
│ ├─catagory
│ ├─club
│ ├─default
│ ├─login
│ ├─news
│ ├─product
│ └─public
├─default ----------------------- Home page
The default style of .net is to put
Below Theme then read the folder
For example, there is a Default folder LayOut.css inside
├─App_Theme ----------Default---------- LayOut.css
Code below:
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
Configure the above environment
Find the following files:
add a record (IP is the local IP)
Separate CSS and images into the source code manager so that they won't get stuck every time they are retrieved.
Convenient program backup.
Styles, pictures, etc. are uploaded by front-end developers.
You can browse directly to the correct page without getting it.
It would be more suitable if there is a picture server.
@import url(;
Some people say it will affect loading, writing and reading HTML before reading files in import.
But I haven't encountered anything like this yet.
Each programmer's local file must be added to the host file ----->
After completion, write the css file directly into the html file
<link href= rel=stylesheet type=text/css />