In ASP programming, identity authentication can be said to be commonly used. But how can we achieve authentication security?
Form submission page: sub.htm
<title>Administrator login</title>
<form name=form1 method=post action=sub.asp>
<input type=text name=UserID size=25 maxlength=20>
<input type=text name=Pass size=12 maxlength=20>
<input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit>
SUB.asp program
Receive data from form
Check whether the data submitted by the form is empty (you may use JAVASCRIPT or VBSCRIPT to control the form page, but don’t forget to control it here!
if user= then
Go to the error message page!
response.redirect err1.htm
This sentence may not be useful, but it’s good to add it!
end if
if pass= then
response.redirect err2.htm
end if
Join database
file=server.mappath(your database)
set conn=server.createobject(adodb.connection)
dr=driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)};dbq=&file dr
set rs=server.createobject(adodb.recordset)
The key is the SQL language here
sql=select * from table where user= &user& and pass= &pass&
if not rs.eof then
If you find it, go to the management page.
response.redirect login.asp
If not found, you will enter an error page.
response.write err3.htm
end if
Everyone feels that the above code should be fine, but there is a serious security risk here:
If I want to log in as an administrator, I can enter in the SUb.htm form input box:
Enter in the first text box: a or 1 = 1 or OR =
Enter in the second text box: a or 1 = 1 or OR =
Submit, everyone will see... Oh, listen to me, okay, I will throw the bricks over later...
a and 1 are any characters
Some people may ask why you enter these characters to enter as an administrator? ?
In fact, these characters are used to deceive the SQL language in your program and successfully enter.
As you can see: in the starting program SQL, the table is queried for records that satisfy user= &user& and pass= &pass& conditions.
sql=select * from table where user= &user& and pass= &pass&
After I entered the above code, it became:
sql=select * from table where user= a or 1 = 1 and pass= a or 1 = 1
Let's take a look. Is there any reason not to enter? ? Give me a reason not to enter, first!
The above USER PASS field is of character type and the same is true if it is of numeric type!
1. Function substitution method:
Use REPLACE to replace special characters contained in the content input by the user to achieve control purposes! sql=select * from table where user= &replace(user, , )& and pass= &replace(pass, , )&
This method can only replace one character at a time. In fact, not only dangerous characters, but also characters such as >, <, &, %, etc. should be controlled. But what should I do if I don’t seem to be able to use the REPLACE function? ?
2. Program control method
Use a program to control all content entered by the client, so that any possible dangerous characters or codes entered by the user can be fully controlled. This is my method!
Capture form content submitted by the user
Loop control starts
for i=1 to len(user)
Use the MID function to read a character at position i in the variable user
Compare read characters
if us= or us=% or us=< or us=> or us=& then
If it contains the above characters, an error message will appear. It cannot contain the above special characters.
response.redirect err2.htm
end if