JS needs to be added:
Copy code code as follows:
$ ("#DIV_BKSQ"). bgiframe ();
JSP needs to be added:
Copy code code as follows:
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "resources/js/plugins/jQuery.bgiframe.min.js"> </script>
JSP code:
Copy code code as follows:
<!-Add, apply, and modify the fabric control page to start->
<div style = "display: none; background: white; height: 480px; margin-top: -240px; e "id =" txt_isVieworupdate " />
<div style = "cursor: move;" id = "div_bksq_tit">
<span> <img src = "resources/themes/default/images/vts/source_ico.gif"/> <font> <input type = "text" id = "txt_bt" h: 60px; FONT: NORMAL BOLD 13PX 'Songti'; COLOR: #00517e; Text-Decoration: None; Float: left; alert_tit.jpg ') Repeat-X Left Top " /> </font> </span>
<IMG SRC = "Resources/Themes/DEFAULT/Images/VTS/Alert_Close.jpg" ID = "IMG_GB" style = "cursor: pointer;"/>
<div ID = "qytree">