<input> Tags are used to collect user information.
Type attributeAccording to different Type attribute values, the input field has many forms. It can be text fields, check boxes, text controls after mask, single -selected buttons, buttons, and so on.
Text: text area
Readonly attribute: only read.
password: Password area, the input text is displayed in '*'
Checkbox: check box
Checked attribute: whether to select;
RADIO: single selection box;
name Properties: Specify multiple single -election boxes in one area for single -selection operation
RESET: reset all the labels in the current <FORM> form to initialize the state (such as clearing the text area content)
submit: Submit the current <FORM> Form information to the specified page
Button: ordinary button
Value attribute: text displayed by button button
file: file selection label
Hide: Hidden areas, you can show some of the information that does not show it, and the information you use is stored here
Image: Picture area
SRC attribute: specify the path of the picture storage;
Title attribute: mouse moves to the text displayed on the figure;
Alt: When the picture is loaded or closed, the text displayed;
Exemplary example <select> tagYou can create a single or multiple menu, similar to the Combox or Listbox of WinForm.
property1) SIZE {int}: Set the size of the drop -down list. The default is Combox style; when it is greater than 1, it is the listbox style.
2) Multiple {Boolean}: Whether multiple options. If you choose multiple choices, press Ctrl+left button to perform multiple options.
3) ITEM sub -item:
① <Optgroup> Tags: Define the category of the selection item, which cannot be selected.
Label {String} Properties: Name of Category Display
Title {String} Properties: The mouse moves to the selection item, the information to be displayed
② <option> tag: define optional items
vlaue {string} Properties: Select the specific name of item
Title {String} Properties: The mouse moves to the selection item, the information to be displayed
Exemplary example
<h3> Select label </h3> <select ID = PROVINCE MULTIPLE = Multiple size = 6> <optgroup label = municipality> </Optgroup> <option value = bj <option = sh> Shanghai </Opt </Opt ION> <Optgroup Label = Provincial and Municipalities> </Optgroup> <Option Value = ZJ> Zhejiang </option> <option value = FJ> Fujian </option> </select><textarea> tag
Multi -line text areas can set the size of Textarea through the COLS and ROWS properties.
propertyROWS {int}: indicates the number of rows displayed.
COLS {int}: indicates the number of columns displayed.
Readonly {Boolean}: Whether to read only.
Exemplary example <Label> tagIt is equivalent to a display text box.
For {Elementid}: associated the corresponding control ID; when clicking this label tag, the control of the binding ID will get the focus;
<Table> <TD> <Label for = 'Username'> Name: </Label> </TD> <input Type = Text ID = 'Username'/> </TD> </TR> <tr> <td> <laabel for = 'userpwd'> Password: </label> </td> <td> <input type = password id = 'userpwd'/> </td> </Table "Exemplary example <fieldSet> tag
Similar to the groupbox control in WinForm.
item sub -item<LEGEND> </Legend>: The name of the head is.
<h3> FieldSet tag </h3> <fieldset style = 'width: 130px'> <legend> Gender </legend> <input type = radio name = 'vex' value = 'boy'/> male <input = radio name = 'Sex' Value = 'Girl' /> Women < /FieldSet>Exemplary example
UL, OL, LI list label
UL: UnorderEd list (sequence list)
OL: OrderEd List (orderly list))
li: List item (list project), based on the above two columns of cousin projects.
Code example:
<ul type = Circle> <li> UL1 </li> <li> UL2 </li> <li> Ul3 </li> </ul> <ol type = 1> <li> Li1 </li> <li > li2 </li> <li> li3 </li> </ol>property
Type {string}: defines the symbol style in front of the <li> tag.
UL: Type has: Circle hollow, disquare, Square solid square, none: front of no symbols;
OL: Type has: 1: Inflowing 1,2,3; A: Express the order A, B, C; I: Roman Number I, II, III; None but the reality is 1,2,3 and other sequences;