<!--#include file=token.asp-->
<% ' *************************************************************************
' this is all test/example code showing the calling syntax of the
' cbuffer class ... the interface to the cbuffer object is quite simple.
' use it for reference ... delete it ... whatever.
' *************************************************************************
rem this is a rem type comment just for testing purposes!
' this variable will hold an instance of the cbuffer class
dim objbuffer
' set up the error handling
on error resume next
' create the instance of the cbuffer class
set objbuffer = new cbuffer
' set the pathtofile property of the cbuffer class
' just for kicks we'll use the asp file that we created
' in the last installment of this article series for testing purposes
objbuffer.pathtofile = ../081899/random.asp '这是文件名啦。
' here's an example of how to add a new keyword to the keyword array
' you could add a list of your own function names, variables or whatever...cool!
' note: you can add different html formatting if you like, the <strong>
' attribute will applied to all keywords ... this is likely to change
' in the near future.
'objbuffer.addkeyword response.write, <font color=red>response.write</font>
' here are examples of changing the table background color, code color,
' comment color, string color and tab space properties
'objbuffer.tablebgcolor = lightgrey ' or
'objbuffer.tablebgcolor = #ffffdd ' simple right?
'objbuffer.codecolor = red
'objbuffer.commentcolor = orange
'objbuffer.stringcolor = purple
'objbuffer.tabspaces =
' call the parsefile method of the cbuffer class, pass it true if you want the
' html contained in the page output or false if you don't
objbuffer.parsefile false '注意:显示代码的response.write已经在class中。这里调用方法就可以了。
' check for errors that may have been raised and write them out
if err.number <> 0 then
response.write err.number & : & err.description & : & err.source & <br>
end if
' output the processing time and number of lines processed by the script
response.write <strong>processing time:</strong> & objbuffer.processingtime & seconds<br>
response.write <strong>lines processed:</strong> & objbuffer.linecount & <br>
' destroy the instance of our cbuffer class
set objbuffer = nothing