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<Title> Table1.html </Title>
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Function test1 () {
// Determine whether the inserted number exists
for (var I = 0; I <mytable.rows.length; i ++) {
var eachrow = mytable.rows [i];
if (eachRow.cells [0] .innertext == no.value) {
Window.alert ("Numbers already exist!");
// Get the data in the form
var newTablerow = MyTable.insertrow (mytable.rows.Length);
newtablerow.insertcell (0) .innertext = No.Value;
newtablerow.insertcell (1) .innertext = name1.value;
newtablerow.insertcell (2) .innertext = nickName.value;
Function test2 () {) {
mytable.deleterow (mytable.rows.length-);
<H1> Heroes Ranking </h1>
<table id = "mytable" border = "1">
<TR> <TD> Ranking </td> <TD> Name </td> <TD> Nickname </td> </tr>
<TR> <TD> 1 </td> <TD> Song Jiang </td> <TD> Timely rain </td> </tr>
<TR> <TD> 2 </td> <TD> Lu Junyi </td> <TD> Yu Qilin </td> </tr>
<h1> Please enter the new good man </h1>
Number <input id = "no" type = "text" value = ""> <br/> <br/>
Name <input ID = "name1" type = "text" value = ""> <br/>
Nickname <input ID = "nickname" type = "text" value = ""> <br/>
<input ID = "tianjia" type = "Button" value = "Add" OnClick = "Test1 ()">
<input type = "Button" value = "Delete the last line of" OnClick = "Test2 ()"/>/>