There are too many objects supported by ASP. You can write the com component by yourself.
The following is the related content of the Server.createObject system service side and summary related content. The tutorial mainly describes some technologies and knowledge related to the Server CreateObject system service object. For more content, please visit http: //www.vevbbbbb .com, get more latest tutorials, the following is the tutorial explanation:
ADO object (too commonly used):
There are too many objects supported by ASP. You can write the com component by yourself. Below is what we often use:
Server.createObject (scripting.filesystemObject)
Server.createObject (scripting.dicTionary) hashtable
Server.createxObject (word.application) // server
Activexobject (word.application) // Client
Server.createObject (Excel.application) // Server
ActivexObject (Excel.application) // Client
CreateObject (PowerPoint.application)
Server.createObject (Microsoft.xmlhttp)
Server.createObject (Microsoft.xmldom)
Server.createObject (msxml2.xmlhttp.4.0)
Server.createObject (
Server.createObject ( // network address
Server.createObject (mswc.adrotator)
CreateObject (Excel.sheet)
MS FrontPage: OFP = CreateObject (FrontPage.application)
MS Access: Oaccess = CreateObject (Access.application)
MS Graph: OGRAPH = CreateObject (msgraph.application)
Here we should know:
CreateObject (Photoshop.application)
// About SQL Server
CreateObject (sqldmo.Sqlserver)
CreateObject (sqldmo.login)
CreateObject (sqldmo.backup)
CreateObject (sqldmo.user)
Server.createObject (Sqldmo.BackupDevice)
Server.createObject (sqldmo.database)
Server.createObject (sqldmo.restore)
For specific examples, please see the following connection
// msmq's
Server.createObject (msmq.msmqqueueinfo)
CreateObject (msmq.msmqqury)
// Full text attraction
Server.createObject (Ixsso.query)
Server.createObject (Ixsso.util)
I did not summarize the components sent by the email. Please summarize the enthusiastic friends:
CDO, Jmail, Imail, etc.
The following are not very common objects:
Accpac Advantage Corporate:
oaccpac = Createobject (accpac.xapisession)
Accpac report master for Windows:
oimpapp = Createobject (IMPROMPTU.Application.30)
objectnder = createObject (Bartender.application)
Ocrapplication = CreateObject (CrystalRuntime.application)
This doesm invoke an idea.
OEUD = CreateObject (eudora.euapplication.1)
ofax = createObject (FMFAXAPI.Application)
ogroupWise = CreateObject (NovellGroupWaresession)
Onotes = CreateObject (Notes.Notesses)
Onotes = CreateObject (Notes.NotesuiWorkSpace)
Onotes = CreateOnt (LOTUS.NOTESSESION)
MS Common Dialog:
OCOMMMONDIALOG = CreateObject (MSCOMDLG.COMMONDialog) && !!! You can'T directly crater this object with a development license, so for dynamical doing it Onoth Machine, See Below. - PeterCrabtree
MS Internet Explorer:
OIE = CreateObject (InternetExplorer.application)
MS Mappoint:
omappoint = CreateObject (MAPPOINT.Application)
MSN Messenger:
Omessenger = CreateObject (msnmessenger.messenger)
Ms netmeeting:
OneTmeeting = CreateObject (
Ms outlook:
OOUTLOOK = CreateObject (Outlook.application)
MS Outlook Express: None -It is not a com server!
MS PowerPoint:
OPP = CreateObject (
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