1. HTML5 does not support or does not agree with the label used <Acronym> -Di definition only the abbreviation of the first letters, HTML5 does not support it. Use <ABBR> definition abbreviation instead, where the Title attribute can be used to display the full version of the abbreviation when moving to the element, insisting on writing Title, so that it is more friendly to the browser and search engine.
<Applet> -In the definition of the embedded Applet, HTML5 is not supported. Use Object element tag instead.
<b> -Define the specified text. Support but according to the HTML5 specification, when it is more appropriate without other appropriate labels, the <b> label should be used as the final option. If it is to emphasize important text, it is recommended to use the <strong> label more appropriate; if it is purely for bold text, it is recommended to use the CSS style Font-weight: bold: set the thick text.
<basefont> -Defing the default font series, color or size of the Chinese text, only the Internet Explorer support. Use the CSS style table to replace.
<Center> -D definition text, HTML 4.01 is not approved, and HTML5 is not supported. Use the CSS style Text-Align: Center to set the text in the text
<font> -Define the fonts, size and color of the definition of text. HTML 4.01 does not agree with it, and HTML5 is not supported. Use style settings.
The above is that the HTML5 brought by Xiaobian does not support labels and new labels. I hope everyone will support VEVB Wulin.com ~