Copy code code as follows:
<span id = "tiao"> 3 </span> <a href = "javascript: countdown"> </a> Pudding footprint; automatically jump after second ... <meta http-equiv = refressh content = 3; url = '/search/billsearch.jsp' </ul>
<!-The script starts->
<script language = "javascript" type = "">
Function Countdown (SECS) {
tiao.innertext = secs;
if (--scs> 0)
settimeout ("Countdown ("+SECS+"), 1000); 1000);
countdown (3);
<!-Script end->
Button type:
<Input name = "pClog" type = "Button" value = "Go" Onclick = "LOCATION.HREF = 'Http: //'">
<A href = "javascript: hestory.go (-1)"> Back to the previous step </a>
<a href = "<%= request.servervariables (" http_referr ")%>"> Back to the previous step </a>
Direct jump type:
<script> Window.Location.href = ''; </script>
Open a new window:
<A HREF = "Javascript:" Onclick = " ('' ,'Height=500, width=611, ScrollBars=Yes, Status = yes') "> Pudding Footprint </a>
JS jump page reference code
The first type:
<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
Window.location.href = "Login.jsp? Backurl ="+Window.Location.href;
The second type:
<script language = "javascript">
alert ("Return");
window.history.back (-1);
Third type:
<script language = "javascript">
Window.navigate ("Top.jsp");
The fourth type:
<script language = "javascript">
self.Location = 'Top.htm';
Fifth type:
<script language = "javascript">
alert ("illegal visit!");
top.Location = 'xx.jsp';
===== JavaScript pop -up selection box jump to other pages =====
<script language = "javascript">
function logout () ... {
if (Confirm ("Are you sure you want to cancel your identity? Is it-Select OK, No-Select Cancel") ... {{
Window.location.href = "logout.asp? Act = logout"
===== JavaScript pop -up prompt box jump to other pages =====
<script language = "javascript">
function logout () ... {
Alert ("Are you sure you want to cancel your identity?");
Window.location.href = "logout.asp? Act = logout"