The Taobao Daily Guess question has been updated. The question is how many awards Genji Muyu has won. The following editor will bring you the Taobao Daily Guess answer 6.12. Interested friends can find out together.
Question: How many awards has Genji Muyu received?
Answer: 15
Answer analysis:
1. There will be a prompt every day for the daily guess. Today’s prompt is to please enter a number. Please use Arabic numerals to answer. At the same time, we can click on the left to find clues and find the answer.
2. We found the product in the picture in the prompt at the Genji Muyu store. Click on it and you can see the product introduction. After searching around, there was no result, but I was not surprised or surprised. As soon as I came to the store, It's actually live broadcast. The live broadcaster directly gave the answer, 15. Now I no longer have to worry about the answer, just submit it boldly.