Steam activation codes are always slightly cheaper than games purchased directly on the steam platform. Many players don’t know how to obtain activation codes. The editor below will introduce how to obtain steam activation codes. Interested friends can learn about it together. Bar.
Steam purchase activation code:
Steam can buy game activation codes through the game store and store them in the library.
Since it is a paid game purchased in the mall, the mall will issue a game activation code.
After getting the activation code, the user logs in to his or her steam account.
Open the game login interface
Click Add Game in the lower left corner.
Choose to activate the product on Steam.
Enter the activation code in the box and click Next so that your game is successfully redeemed.
The method of obtaining the steam activation code has been shared above. Interested friends can refer to this guide. I hope it can be helpful to all players. If you want to know more game guides and information, please continue to pay attention to this site.