QQ space is a place to share life. It supports text, pictures, videos and other methods. It also has a privacy setting function. If you don’t want the other party to view it, you can directly block it through the function to better protect privacy. On the contrary, if If someone blocks you and prevents you from viewing the space, don’t worry. You can follow the tutorial shared by the editor today to force you to view it, which is also possible.
Step 1: Have two QQ numbers
(1) If you want to enter the encrypted QQ space, you can add the password to the space of our first QQ number, and then use the second QQ number to access the encrypted space of the first QQ number.
Step 2: Change address
(1) After entering the password to enter the encrypted QQ space, find the QQ number in the address bar.
(2) Replace this QQ number with the QQ number we want to enter the space but do not know the password.
(3) Press Enter to enter easily without a password. The same operation is done to set up close friend access.
(4) We set our two QQ numbers as close friends and then access them, and then also modify the numbers in the address bar to enter the encrypted QQ space.
Step 3: View the photos in the encrypted QQ space
(1) Select "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Delete" on the browser,
(2) In the pop-up dialog box, select Delete all offline content, open the space you want to view, and select the password-protected album you want to view. You will then be asked to enter the password.
(3) After selecting Cancel, select "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Settings" - "View Files" on the browser,
(4) Then find the cgi_qqzone_static folder in the folder that comes out, double-click to open it, and you can see everything in his space.
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