google maps draw shape lib
是在一小部分Google Maps API上寫的JavaScript庫,可讓您在Google Map上繪製多邊形形狀並獲得其坐標。
npm i google-maps-draw-shape-lib
import MapDrawShapeManager from 'google-maps-draw-shape-lib' ;
// Google Maps JavaScript API instance
const map = new google . maps . Map ( element , mapOptions ) ;
// Callback function that will be called when user create or delete shape
const onDrawCallback = ( shape ) => console . log ( shape ) ;
// Flag indicating whether it should set Drawing Mode enabled
const drawingMode = false ;
// Flag indicating whether it should set Draw Free Hand Mode enabled
const drawFreeHandMode = false ;
// Object containing the google polygon options to be used when drawing
const polygonOptions = {
clickable : false ,
fillColor : "#303030" ,
fillOpacity : 0.1 ,
strokeColor : "#000000" ,
strokeWeight : 4 ,
strokeOpacity : 1
} ;
// String with the inner HTML of the draw initial point overlay
const initialPointInnerHtml = `<button class="your-custom-initial-point-class" title="Initial Point"></button>` ;
// String with the inner HTML of the draw delete point overlay
const deletePointInnerHtml = `<button class="your-custom-delete-point-class" title="Delete">X</button></div>` ;
// Create Google Maps Draw Shape Library instance
const manager = new MapDrawShapeManager (
map ,
onDrawCallback ,
drawingMode ,
drawFreeHandMode ,
polygonOptions ,
initialPointInnerHtml ,
) ;
// Example of shape returned on callback function
const initalShape = [
{ lat : 38.71755745031312 , lng : - 9.34395756832437 } ,
{ lat : 39.780999209652855 , lng : - 8.82210698238687 } ,
{ lat : 38.91016617157451 , lng : - 6.82259526363687 } ,
{ lat : 38.71755745031312 , lng : - 9.34395756832437 }
] ;
// Draws the input shape on the map
manager . initDrawnShape ( initalShape ) ;
// Clears the drawn shape
manager . resetDrawnShape ( ) ;
// Sets the draw mode to drag instead of click if drawFreeHandMode flag is true
manager . setDrawFreeHandMode ( drawFreeHandMode ) ;
// Sets the map on draw mode if drawingMode flag is true
manager . setDrawingMode ( drawingMode ) ;