vscode miniapp helper
WeChat Mini Program Development Assistant for VSCode, code prompts + syntax highlighting
prefix | describe |
animation-backgroundColor | Set background color |
animation-bottom | bottom distance |
animation-height | length |
animation-left | left distance |
animation-matrix | Plane matrix transformation |
animation-matrix3d | Stereo matrix transformation |
animation-opacity | Transparency, parameter range 0~1 |
animation-right | right distance |
animation-rotate | Rotate around origin |
animation-rotate3d | 3D rotation |
animation-rotateX | Rotate around x-axis |
animation-rotateY | Rotate around Y axis |
animation-rotateZ | Rotate an angle clockwise from the Z axis |
animation-scale | x-axis [y-axis] scaling. When there is one parameter, it means that they are the same on the X-axis and Y-axis; when there are two parameters, it means that they are different on the X-axis and the Y-axis. |
animation-scale3d | 3D zoom |
animation-scaleX | x-axis scaling |
animation-scaleY | y-axis scaling |
animation-scaleZ | z-axis scaling |
animation-skew | The x-axis [y-axis] is tilted. When there is one parameter, it is expressed on the X axis; when there are two parameters, it is expressed on the X axis and on the Y axis. |
animation-skewX | x-axis tilt |
animation-skewY | y-axis tilt |
animation-top | top distance |
animation-translate | x-axis [y-axis] offset. When there is one parameter, it is expressed on the X axis; when there are two parameters, it is expressed on the X axis and on the Y axis. |
animation-translate3d | 3D offset |
animation-translateX | x-axis offset |
animation-translateY | y-axis offset |
animation-translateZ | z-axis offset |
animation-width | width |
audioContext-pause | pause. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
audioContext-play | Play. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
audioContext-seek | Jump to the specified location, unit s. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
audioContext-setSrc | Set the audio address. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
backAudioManager-onCanplay | The background audio enters the playable state, but there is no guarantee that it can be played smoothly later. |
backAudioManager-onEnded | Background audio natural playback end event |
backAudioManager-onError | Background audio playback error event |
backAudioManager-onNext | The user clicks the next song event on the system music playback panel (iOS only) |
backAudioManager-onPause | Background audio pause event |
backAudioManager-onPlay | Background audio playback event |
backAudioManager-onPrev | The user clicks the previous song event on the system music playback panel (iOS only) |
backAudioManager-onStop | Background audio stop event |
backAudioManager-onTimeUpdate | Background audio playback progress update event |
backAudioManager-onWaiting | The audio loading event is triggered when the audio needs to stop loading due to insufficient data. |
backAudioManager-pause | pause |
backAudioManager-play | play |
backAudioManager-seek | Jump to the specified location, unit s. Accurate to 3 decimal places, supporting ms level accuracy |
backAudioManager-src | Audio data source, the default is an empty string. When a new src is set, playback will start automatically. Currently supported formats are m4a, aac, mp3, wav |
backAudioManager-stop | stop |
cameraContext-startRecord | Start recording |
cameraContext-stopRecord | End the recording. If successful, return to the cover and video. |
cameraContext-takePhoto | Take a photo, you can specify the quality (high, normal, low, default normal), the picture will be returned if successful |
cvsCtx-addColorStop | Create a color gradient point |
cvsCtx-arc | draw an arc |
cvsCtx-arcTo | Draw arc path based on control points and radius |
cvsCtx-beginPath | To start creating a path, you need to call fill or stroke to use the path to fill or stroke. |
cvsCtx-bezierCurveTo | Create a cubic Bezier curve path. The starting point of the curve is the previous point in the path |
cvsCtx-clearRect | Clear the contents of the rectangular area on the canvas |
cvsCtx-clip | Cut any shape and size from the original canvas |
cvsCtx-closePath | close a path |
cvsCtx-createCircularGradient | Create a circular gradient color. You need to use addColorStop() to specify gradient points, at least two |
cvsCtx-createLinearGradient | Create a linear gradient color. You need to use addColorStop() to specify gradient points, at least two |
cvsCtx-createPattern | Method for creating a pattern for a specified image that repeats the meta-image in a specified direction |
cvsCtx-draw | Draw the description (path, transformation, style) previously in the drawing context into the canvas |
cvsCtx-drawImage | Draw image to canvas |
cvsCtx-fill | Fill in the contents of the current path |
cvsCtx-fillRect | Fill a rectangle |
cvsCtx-fillStyle | Set fill color. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-fillText | Draw filled text on canvas |
cvsCtx-font | Set properties of the current font style |
cvsCtx-globalAlpha | Set global brush transparency. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-globalCompositeOperation | This property sets the type of compositing operation to be applied when drawing new shapes. |
cvsCtx-lineCap | Sets the endpoint style of the line. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-lineDashOffset | Set the properties of the dashed line offset |
cvsCtx-lineJoin | Sets the intersection style of lines. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-lineTo | The lineTo method adds a new point and then creates a line from the last specified point to the target point. |
cvsCtx-lineWidth | Set the width of the line. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-measureText | Measure text size information, currently only text width is returned. synchronous interface |
cvsCtx-moveTo | Move the path to the specified point in the canvas without creating a line |
cvsCtx-quadraticCurveTo | Create a quadratic Bezier curve path. The starting point of the curve is the previous point in the path |
cvsCtx-rect | Create a rectangle |
cvsCtx-restore | Restore a previously saved drawing context |
cvsCtx-rotate | With the origin as the center, the origin can be modified using the translate method. Rotate the current coordinate axis clockwise |
cvsCtx-save | Save the current drawing context |
cvsCtx-scale | After calling the scale method, the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the path created subsequently will be scaled. If scale is called multiple times, the multiples will be multiplied. |
cvsCtx-setFillStyle | Set fill color |
cvsCtx-setFontSize | Set the font size |
cvsCtx-setGlobalAlpha | Set global brush transparency |
cvsCtx-setLineCap | Set the endpoint style of the line |
cvsCtx-setLineDash | Set the width of the line |
cvsCtx-setLineJoin | Set the intersection style of lines |
cvsCtx-setLineWidth | Set the width of the line |
cvsCtx-setMiterLimit | Sets the maximum miter length, which is the distance between the inside and outside corners where two lines meet. Valid only when setLineJoin() is miter |
cvsCtx-setShadow | Set shadow style |
cvsCtx-setStrokeStyle | Set border color |
cvsCtx-setTextAlign | Used to set the alignment of text |
cvsCtx-setTextBaseline | Used to set the horizontal alignment of text |
cvsCtx-setTransform | Method for resetting (overwriting) the current transformation using a matrix |
cvsCtx-shadowBlur | Set the blur level of shadows |
cvsCtx-shadowColor | Set the color of the shadow |
cvsCtx-shadowOffsetX | Sets the horizontal offset of the shadow relative to the shape |
cvsCtx-shadowOffsetY | Sets the vertical offset of the shadow relative to the shape |
cvsCtx-stroke | Draw a border around the current path |
cvsCtx-strokeRect | Draw a rectangle (not filled) |
cvsCtx-strokeStyle | Set border color. Supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-strokeText | Method to draw a text stroke at a given (x, y) position |
cvsCtx-textAlign | Used to set the alignment of text, supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-textBaseline | Used to set the horizontal alignment of text, supported from base library 1.9.90 |
cvsCtx-translate | Transform the origin (0, 0) of the current coordinate system. The default origin of the coordinate system is the upper left corner of the page. |
downTask-abort | Interrupt download task |
downTask-onProgressUpdate | Monitor download progress change events |
fileManager-access | Determine whether the file/directory exists |
fileManager-accessSync | Determine whether the file/directory exists, synchronization interface |
fileManager-appendFile | Append content at the end of the file |
fileManager-appendFileSync | Append content at the end of the file, synchronization interface |
fileManager-copyFile | Copy files |
fileManager-copyFileSync | Copy files, sync interface |
fileManager-getFileInfo | Get local temporary files or local cache file information under the applet |
fileManager-getSavedFileList | Get the list of local cache files saved under this applet |
fileManager-mkdir | Create directory |
fileManager-mkdirSync | Create directory, synchronization interface |
fileManager-readFile | Read local file contents |
fileManager-readFileSync | Read local file content, synchronization interface |
fileManager-readdir | Read the list of files in the directory |
fileManager-readdirSync | Read the file list in the directory, synchronization interface |
fileManager-removeSavedFile | Delete local cache files saved under this applet |
fileManager-rename | Rename the file, you can move the file from oldPath to newPath |
fileManager-renameSync | Rename files, you can move files from oldPath to newPath, synchronization interface |
fileManager-rmdir | delete directory |
fileManager-rmdirSync | Delete directory, synchronize interface |
fileManager-saveFile | Save temporary files locally. This interface moves temporary files, so after the call is successful, tempFilePath will not be available |
fileManager-saveFileSync | Save temporary files locally. This interface will move temporary files, so after the call is successful, tempFilePath will be unavailable, and the synchronization interface |
fileManager-stat | Get file Stats object |
fileManager-statSync | Get file Stats object, synchronization interface |
fileManager-unlink | Delete files |
fileManager-unlinkSync | Delete files, synchronization interface |
fileManager-unzip | Unzip the file |
fileManager-writeFile | write file |
fileManager-writeFileSync | Write files, synchronization interface |
fileStat-isDirectory | Determine whether the current file is a directory |
fileStat-isFile | Determine whether the current file is an ordinary file |
getApp | Get mini program instance |
getCurrentPages | Get the current page stack |
innerAudioContext-destroy | Destroy the current instance |
innerAudioContext-offCanplay | Cancel listening to onCanplay event |
innerAudioContext-offEnded | Cancel listening to onEnded event |
innerAudioContext-offError | Cancel listening to onError event |
innerAudioContext-offPlay | Cancel listening to onPlay event |
innerAudioContext-offSeeked | Cancel listening to onSeeked event |
innerAudioContext-offSeeking | Cancel listening to onSeeking event |
innerAudioContext-offStop | Cancel listening to onStop event |
innerAudioContext-offTimeUpdate | Cancel listening to onTimeUpdate event |
innerAudioContext-offWaiting | Cancel listening to onWaiting event |
innerAudioContext-onCanplay | The audio enters the playable state, but there is no guarantee that it can be played smoothly later. |
innerAudioContext-onEnded | Audio natural playback end event |
innerAudioContext-onError | Audio playback error event |
innerAudioContext-onPause | audio pause event |
innerAudioContext-onPlay | audio playback event |
innerAudioContext-onSeeked | Audio completion seek operation event |
innerAudioContext-onSeeking | Audio seek operation event |
innerAudioContext-onStop | audio stop playback event |
innerAudioContext-onTimeUpdate | Audio playback progress update event |
innerAudioContext-onWaiting | The audio loading event is triggered when the audio needs to stop loading due to insufficient data. |
innerAudioContext-pause | ???? |
innerAudioContext-play | play |
innerAudioContext-seek | Jump to the specified location, unit s. Accurate to 3 decimal places, supporting ms level accuracy |
innerAudioContext-stop | stop |
interObser-disconnect | Stop listening and the callback function will no longer be triggered. |
interObser-observe | Specify the target node and start monitoring intersection status changes |
interObser-relativeTo | Use a selector to specify a node as one of the reference areas |
interObser-relativeToViewport | Specify the page display area as one of the reference areas |
livePlayerContext-exitFullScreen | Exit full screen |
livePlayerContext-mute | mute |
livePlayerContext-pause | pause |
livePlayerContext-play | play |
livePlayerContext-requestFullScreen | Go to full screen |
livePlayerContext-resume | recover |
livePlayerContext-stop | stop |
livePusherContext-pause | Pause streaming |
livePusherContext-play | Play push stream |
livePusherContext-resume | Resume push streaming |
livePusherContext-snapshot | Snapshot |
livePusherContext-stop | Stop pushing |
livePusherContext-switchCamera | Switch front and rear cameras |
livePusherContext-toggleTorch | Switch flash |
logger-debug | Write debug log, you can provide any number of parameters |
logger-info | Write info log, you can provide any number of parameters |
logger-log | To write log logs, you can provide any number of parameters. |
logger-warn | To write a warn log, you can provide any number of parameters. |
mapContext-getCenterLocation | Get the latitude and longitude of the current map center. The returned coordinate system is gcj02, which can be used in wx.openLocation. |
mapContext-getRegion | Get the field of view of the current map |
mapContext-getScale | Get the current map zoom level |
mapContext-includePoints | Zoom view to show all latitude and longitude |
mapContext-moveToLocation | To move the map center to the current positioning point, you need to use it with the show-location of the map component. |
mapContext-translateMarker | Panning marker with animation |
recordManager-onError | Recording error events will call back error information |
recordManager-onFrameRecorded | After recording a file with a specified frame size, the recording segmentation result data will be called back. |
recordManager-onPause | Recording pause event |
recordManager-onStart | Recording start event |
recordManager-onStop | Recording stop event will call back the file address |
recordManager-pause | Pause recording |
recordManager-resume | resume recording |
recordManager-start | ?? |
recordManager-stop | Stop recording |
reqTask-abort | Interrupt request task |
selQuery-exec | Execute all requests. The request results are formed into an array in the order of requests and returned in the first parameter of the callback. |
selQuery-in | Change the selection range of the selector to within the custom component component (initially, the selector only selects nodes in the page range and will not select any nodes in the custom component) |
selQuery-select | Select the first node matching the selector on the current page and return a NodesRef object instance, which can be used to obtain node information. |
selQuery-selectAll | Select all nodes matching the selector selector under the current page |
selQuery-selectViewport | Select the display area, which can be used to obtain the size, scroll position and other information of the display area. |
sockTask-close | Close WebSocket connection |
sockTask-onClose | Listen for WebSocket connection close events |
sockTask-onError | Listening for WebSocket errors |
sockTask-onMessage | Listen to the message event received by WebSocket from the server |
sockTask-onOpen | Listen to the WebSocket connection open event |
sockTask-send | Send data via WebSocket connection |
upTask-abort | Interrupt upload task |
upTask-onProgressUpdate | Monitor upload progress change events |
updateManager-applyUpdate | When the new version is downloaded, calling this method will force the current applet to apply the new version and restart it. |
updateManager-onCheckForUpdate | When the new version information is requested from the WeChat backend, a callback will be made. |
updateManager-onUpdateFailed | When the download of the new version fails, a callback will be performed. |
updateManager-onUpdateReady | When the new version is downloaded, a callback will be performed |
videoContext-exitFullScreen | Exit full screen |
videoContext-hideStatusBar | Hide status bar, only effective in iOS full screen |
videoContext-pause | pause |
videoContext-play | play |
videoContext-playbackRate | Set multi-speed playback, the supported ratios are 0.5/0.8/1.0/1.25/1.5 |
videoContext-requestFullScreen | To enter full screen, you can pass in the direction parameter. Valid values are 0, 90, -90. |
videoContext-seek | Jump to the specified location, unit s |
videoContext-sendDanmu | Send barrages, including two attributes text, color |
videoContext-showStatusBar | Display status bar, only valid in iOS full screen |
videoContext-stop | stop |
worker-onMessage | Listen for messages sent by the Worker thread to the current thread |
worker-postMessage | Message sent to Worker thread |
worker-terminate | End the current Worker thread, which can only be called on the main thread Worker instance. |
wx-addCard | Add cards in batches |
wx-addPhoneContact | After calling, the user can choose to write the form into the mobile phone system address book by "adding new contacts" or "adding to existing contacts" to complete the addition of contacts and contact information in the mobile phone address book. This API has many parameters, please refer to the documentation |
wx-authorize | Initiate authorization requests to users in advance. After the call is made, a pop-up window will immediately ask the user whether they agree to authorize the applet to use a certain function or obtain some of the user's data, but the corresponding interface will not actually be called. If the user has previously agreed to the authorization, no pop-up window will appear and success will be returned directly. |
wx-canIUse | Determine whether the API, callbacks, parameters, components, etc. of the mini program are available in the current version |
wx-canvasGetImageData | Returns an array describing the pixel data hidden in the canvas area. |
wx-canvasPutImageData | Method to draw pixel data to canvas |
wx-canvasToTempFilePath | Export the contents of the specified area of the current canvas to generate a picture of the specified size and return the file path |
wx-checkIsSoterEnrolledInDevice | Interface to obtain whether biometric information such as fingerprints is entered in the device |
wx-checkIsSupportSoterAuthentication | Get the SOTER biometric authentication method supported by this machine |
wx-checkSession | Verify whether the user's current session_key is valid |
wx-chooseAddress | Call up the native interface for the user to edit the delivery address, and return to the address selected by the user after the editing is completed. |
wx-chooseImage | Choose a picture from your local photo album or take a photo with your camera |
wx-chooseInvoice | Select an existing invoice for the user |
wx-chooseInvoiceTitle | Select the user's invoice header |
wx-chooseLocation | Open the map and select a location. Requires user authorization scope.userLocation |
wx-chooseVideo | Shoot a video or select a video from the mobile phone album to return the temporary file path of the video |
wx-clearStorage | Asynchronously clear local data cache |
wx-clearStorageSync | Synchronously clear local data cache |
wx-closeBLEConnection | Disconnect from Bluetooth Low Energy device |
wx-closeBluetoothAdapter | Turn off the Bluetooth module and put it into an uninitialized state. Calling this method will break all established links and release system resources |
wx-closeSocket | Close WebSocket connection |
wx-connectSocket | Create a WebSocket connection |
wx-connectWifi | Connect to WiFi. If the WiFi information is known, you can directly use this interface to connect |
wx-createAnimation | Create an animation instance animation. Call the instance's method to describe the animation |
wx-createAudioContext | Creates and returns the audio context audioContext object. Under the custom component, the second parameter is passed into the component instance this to operate the <audio/> component within the component. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-createBLEConnection | Connecting Bluetooth Low Energy devices |
wx-createCameraContext | Create and return the camera context cameraContext object. The cameraContext is bound to the camera component of the page. A page can only have one camera, through which the corresponding <camera/> component can be operated. 1.6.0 started to support |
wx-createCanvasContext | Create canvas drawing context (specify canvasId) |
wx-createInnerAudioContext | Creates and returns the inner audio context innerAudioContext object. This interface is an upgraded version of wx.createAudioContext. 1.6.0 started to support |
wx-createIntersectionObserver | Creates and returns an IntersectionObserver object instance |
wx-createLivePlayerContext | Operate the corresponding <live-player/> component. Creates and returns the live-player context LivePlayerContext object. Under the custom component, the second parameter is passed into the component instance this to operate the <live-player/> component within the component. |
wx-createLivePusherContext | Create and return the live-pusher context LivePusherContext object. LivePusherContext is bound to the <live-pusher /> component of the page. A page can only have one live-pusher, through which the corresponding <live-pusher/> component can be operated. Under the custom component, the first parameter is passed into the component instance this to operate the <live-pusher/> component within the component. |
wx-createMapContext | Creates and returns the map context mapContext object. Under the custom component, the second parameter is passed into the component instance this to operate the <map/> component within the component. |
wx-createSelectorQuery | Returns a SelectorQuery object instance |
wx-createVideoContext | Creates and returns the video context videoContext object. Under the custom component, the second parameter is passed into the component instance this to operate the <video/> component within the component. |
wx-createWorker | Create a Worker thread and return the Worker instance. Currently, only one Worker can be created. Please call Worker.terminate before creating the next Worker. |
wx-downloadFile | To download file resources locally, the client directly initiates an HTTP GET request and returns the local temporary path of the file. |
wx-faceVerifyForPay | Verify face in various security scenarios for payment |
wx-getAccountInfoSync | Get current account information |
wx-getAvailableAudioSources | Get currently supported audio input sources |
wx-getBLEDeviceCharacteristics | Get all characteristics (characteristic values) in a service of the Bluetooth device |
wx-getBLEDeviceServices | Get all services of Bluetooth device |
wx-getBackgroundAudioManager | Get the globally unique background audio manager backgroundAudioManager |
wx-getBackgroundAudioPlayerState | Get background music playing status. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-getBeacons | Get all searched iBeacon devices |
wx-getBluetoothAdapterState | Get the local Bluetooth adapter status |
wx-getBluetoothDevices | Obtain all discovered Bluetooth devices while the applet Bluetooth module is in effect, including devices that are already connected to the machine. |
wx-getClipboardData | Get system clipboard contents |
wx-getConnectedBluetoothDevices | Get the connected device based on uuid |
wx-getConnectedWifi | Get connected WiFi information |
wx-getExtConfig | Get custom data fields from third-party platforms |
wx-getExtConfigSync | Synchronously obtain data fields customized by third-party platforms |
wx-getFileSystemManager | Get the globally unique file manager |
wx-getHCEState | Determine whether the current device supports HCE capabilities |
wx-getImageInfo | Obtain image information. If it is an online image, you need to configure the download domain name before it can take effect. |
wx-getLocation | Get current geographical location and speed |
wx-getLogManager | Get the log manager logManager object |
wx-getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect | Get the layout information of the menu button |
wx-getNetworkType | Get network type |
wx-getRecorderManager | Get the globally unique recording manager recorderManager |
wx-getSavedFileInfo | Get file information of local files. This interface can only be used to obtain files that have been saved locally. If you need to obtain temporary file information, please use the wx.getFileInfo interface. |
wx-getSavedFileList | Get the list of local saved files |
wx-getScreenBrightness | Get screen brightness |
wx-getSetting | Get the user's current settings |
wx-getShareInfo | Get forwarding details |
wx-getStorage | Asynchronously obtain the content corresponding to the specified key from the local cache |
wx-getStorageInfo | Asynchronously obtain relevant information about the current storage |
wx-getStorageInfoSync | Synchronously obtain relevant information about the current storage |
wx-getStorageSync | Synchronously obtain the content corresponding to the specified key from the local cache |
wx-getSystemInfo | Get system information asynchronously |
wx-getSystemInfoSync | Get system information synchronization interface |
wx-getUpdateManager | Get a globally unique version update manager for managing mini program updates |
wx-getUserInfo | When the user is not authorized, calling this interface will directly report an error; when the user is authorized, you can use this interface to obtain user information. |
wx-getWeRunData | To obtain the user's WeChat exercise steps in the past thirty days, you need to call the wx.login interface first. |
wx-getWifiList | Request to obtain the WiFi list and return the wifiList data in the callback registered in onGetWifiList |
wx-hideLoading | Hide loading prompt box |
wx-hideNavigationBarLoading | Hide navigation bar loading animation |
wx-hideShareMenu | Hide forward button |
wx-hideTabBar | ?? tabBar |
wx-hideTabBarRedDot | Hide the red dot in the upper right corner of a tabBar item |
wx-hideToast | Hide message prompt box |
wx-loadFontFace | Dynamically load web fonts |
wx-login | Call the interface wx.login() to obtain temporary login credentials (code) |
wx-makePhoneCall | Make a call |
wx-navigateBack | Close the current page and return to the previous page or multi-level page. You can get the current page stack through getCurrentPages()) to determine how many levels you need to return. |
wx-navigateBackMiniProgram | Return to the previous applet. It can be called successfully only when the current applet is opened by another applet. |
wx-navigateTo | Keep the current page, jump to a page in the application, and use wx.navigateBack to return to the original page. At present, the page path can only be up to ten levels. |
wx-navigateToMiniProgram | Open another mini program associated with the same official account |
wx-nextTick | Used to delay part of the operation until the next time slice before executing it. |
wx-notifyBLECharacteristicValueChange | Enable the notify function when the characteristic value of the low-power Bluetooth device changes and subscribe to the characteristic value. Note: The characteristic value of the device must support notify or indicate before it can be called successfully. For details, refer to the properties of characteristic. |
wx-offWindowResize | Cancel listening for window size change events |
wx-onAccelerometerChange | Monitor acceleration data, frequency: 5 times/second. After the interface is called, it will automatically start monitoring. You can use wx.stopAccelerometer to stop monitoring. |
wx-onBLECharacteristicValueChange | Monitor changes in characteristic values of Bluetooth low energy devices. The notify interface must be enabled first to receive notifications pushed by the device. |
wx-onBLEConnectionStateChange | Monitor low-power Bluetooth connection status change events, including developers actively connecting or disconnecting, device loss, abnormal connection disconnection, etc. |
wx-onBackgroundAudioPause | Monitoring music is paused. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-onBackgroundAudioPlay | Monitor music playback. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-onBackgroundAudioStop | Monitoring music stops. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-onBeaconServiceChange | Monitor the status changes of iBeacon service |
wx-onBeaconUpdate | Listen for update events of iBeacon devices |
wx-onBluetoothAdapterStateChange | Monitor Bluetooth adapter status change events |
wx-onBluetoothDeviceFound | Listen for events when a new device is found |
wx-onCompassChange | Monitor compass data, frequency: 5 times/second. After the interface is called, it will automatically start monitoring. You can use wx.stopCompass to stop monitoring. |
wx-onGetWifiList | Listen to the event when the WiFi list data is obtained, and the wifiList will be returned in the callback |
wx-onHCEMessage | Listen to the message callback of the NFC device and process it in the callback |
wx-onMemoryWarning | Monitor the alarm event of insufficient memory. There are alarm levels under Android. Only LOW and CRITICAL will call back to the developer; iOS has no levels. |
wx-onNetworkStatusChange | Monitor network status changes |
wx-onSocketClose | Listen WebSocket Close |
wx-onSocketError | Listening for WebSocket errors |
wx-onSocketMessage | Listen to the message event received by WebSocket from the server |
wx-onSocketOpen | Listen to the WebSocket connection open event |
wx-onUserCaptureScreen | Monitor the user's active screenshot event. This event is triggered when the user uses the system screenshot button to take a screenshot. |
wx-onWifiConnected | Listen for events connected to WiFi |
wx-onWindowResize | Listen for window size change events |
wx-openBluetoothAdapter | Initialize the applet Bluetooth module. The effective period is from calling wx.openBluetoothAdapter to calling wx.closeBluetoothAdapter or the applet is destroyed. |
wx-openCard | Check the cards and coupons in the WeChat card package |
wx-openDocument | Open the document on a new page, supported formats: doc, xls, ppt, pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx |
wx-openLocation | To view the location using WeChat’s built-in map, user authorization scope.userLocation is required. |
wx-openSetting | Call up the client applet setting interface and return the operation results set by the user. |
wx-pageScrollTo | Scroll the page to the target position |
wx-pauseBackgroundAudio | Pause music playback, no longer maintained starting from 1.2.0 |
wx-pauseVoice | Pause the currently playing voice, no longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-playBackgroundAudio | Use the background player to play music. For the WeChat client, there can only be one background music playing at the same time. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-playVoice | Start playing voice, and only one voice file is allowed to be played at the same time. If the previous voice file has not finished playing, the previous voice playback will be interrupted. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-previewImage | Preview picture |
wx-reLaunch | Close all pages and open to a page within the app |
wx-readBLECharacteristicValue | Reads the binary data value of a characteristic value of a Bluetooth Low Energy device. Note: The characteristic value of the device must support read before it can be called successfully. For details, refer to the properties of characteristic. |
wx-redirectTo | Close the current page and jump to a page within the app |
wx-removeSavedFile | Delete locally stored files |
wx-removeStorage | Asynchronously remove the specified key from the local cache |
wx-removeStorageSync | Synchronously remove the specified key from the local cache |
wx-removeTabBarBadge | Remove the text in the upper right corner of an item in the tabBar |
wx-reportMonitor | Customized business data monitoring and reporting interface |
wx-request | Make a network request |
wx-requestPayment | Initiate WeChat payment |
wx-saveFile | Save the file locally. Note: saveFile will move the temporary file, so the tempFilePath passed in will be unavailable after the call is successful. |
wx-saveImageToPhotosAlbum | Save the picture to the system album. Requires user authorization scope.writePhotosAlbum |
wx-saveVideoToPhotosAlbum | Save the video to the system album. Requires user authorization scope.writePhotosAlbum |
wx-scanCode | Call up the client QR code scanning interface, and return the corresponding results after the QR code is successfully scanned. |
wx-seekBackgroundAudio | Control music playback progress (seconds). No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-sendHCEMessage | Send NFC message. Only valid under Android system |
wx-sendSocketMessage | To send data through a WebSocket connection, you need to wx.connectSocket first, and then send it after the wx.onSocketOpen callback. |
wx-setBackgroundColor | Dynamically set the background color of a window |
wx-setBackgroundTextStyle | Dynamically set the drop-down background font and loading image style |
wx-setClipboardData | Set the contents of the system clipboard |
wx-setEnableDebug | Set whether to turn on the debugging switch. This switch will also take effect on the official version. |
wx-setKeepScreenOn | Set whether to keep the light always on. It only takes effect in the current mini program, and the setting becomes invalid after leaving the mini program. |
wx-setNavigationBarColor | Set navigation bar color |
wx-setNavigationBarTitle | Dynamically set the title of the current page |
wx-setScreenBrightness | Set screen brightness |
wx-setStorage | Storing data in the specified key in the local cache will overwrite the original content corresponding to the key. This is an asynchronous interface. |
wx-setStorageSync | Storing data in the specified key in the local cache will overwrite the original content corresponding to the key. This is a synchronization interface. |
wx-setTabBarBadge | Add text to the upper right corner of a tabBar item |
wx-setTabBarItem | Dynamically set the content of a tabBar item |
wx-setTabBarStyle | Dynamically set the overall style of tabBar |
wx-setTopBarText | Dynamically setting the text content of the top bar will only take effect when the current mini program is pinned to the top. If the current mini program is not pinned, it can be called successfully, but it will not take effect immediately. It will only be replaced after the user pins the mini program to the top. Text content |
wx-setWifiList | iOS-specific interface, after onGetWifiList callback, use the interface to set AP related information in wifiList |
wx-showActionSheet | Show operation menu |
wx-showLoading | Display the loading prompt box. You need to actively call wx.hideLoading to close the prompt box. |
wx-showModal | Show modal popup |
wx-showNavigationBarLoading | Display navigation bar loading animation on current page |
wx-showShareMenu | Show forward button for current page |
wx-showTabBar | ?? tabBar |
wx-showTabBarRedDot | Display the red dot in the upper right corner of an item in the tabBar |
wx-showToast | Show message box |
wx-startAccelerometer | Start monitoring acceleration data |
wx-startBeaconDiscovery | Start searching for nearby iBeacon devices |
wx-startBluetoothDevicesDiscovery | Starts a search for nearby Bluetooth peripherals. Note that this operation consumes system resources. Please call the stop method to stop the search after searching and connecting to the device. |
wx-startCompass | Start monitoring compass data. |
wx-startHCE | Initialize NFC module |
wx-startPullDownRefresh | Start pull-down refresh, trigger the pull-down refresh animation after calling, the effect is consistent with the user's manual pull-down refresh |
wx-startRecord | Start recording. Requires user authorization for scope.record. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-startSoterAuthentication | Start SOTER Biometric Authentication |
wx-startWifi | Initialize WiFi module |
wx-stopAccelerometer | Stop monitoring acceleration data |
wx-stopBackgroundAudio | Stop playing music. No longer maintained since 1.2.0 |
wx-stopBeaconDiscovery | Stop searching for nearby iBeacon devices |
wx-stopBluetoothDevicesDiscovery | Stops searching for nearby Bluetooth peripherals. If the required Bluetooth device has been found and no further search is needed, it is recommended to call this interface to stop the Bluetooth search. |
wx-stopCompass | Stop listening for compass data. |
wx-stopHCE | Turn off the NFC module. Only valid under Android system |
wx-stopPullDownRefresh | Stop pull-down refresh of current page |
wx-stopRecord | Stop recording. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-stopVoice | End playing voice. No longer maintained starting from 1.6.0 |
wx-stopWifi | Turn off WiFi module |
wx-switchTab | Jump to the tabBar page and close all other non-tabBar pages |
wx-updateShareMenu | Update forwarding properties |
wx-uploadFile | Upload local resources to the developer server, and the client initiates an HTTPS POST request, where the content-type is multipart/form-data |
wx-vibrateLong | Make the phone vibrate for a long time (400ms) |
wx-vibrateShort | Make the phone vibrate for a short period of time (15ms) |
wx-writeBLECharacteristicValue | Writes binary data to Bluetooth Low Energy device characteristics. Note: The characteristic value of the device must support write before it can be called successfully. For details, refer to the properties of characteristic. |
wx-Component | Component object and its life cycle functions and callback functions |
wx-app | App object and its life cycle functions and callback functions |
wx-page | Page object and its life cycle functions and callback functions |
prefix | describe |
debug | The debug configuration item of the JSON file corresponding to the App, whether it is in debug mode |
functionalPages | Whether to enable the plug-in function page |
networktimeout | App corresponding JSON file networktimeout configuration item, timeout setting |
pages | The JSON file pages configuration items corresponding to the App |
plugins | Plug-ins used |
preloadRule | Subcontracting pre-download rules |
requiredBackgroundModes | Capabilities that need to be used in the background, such as "music playback" |
resizable | Does the iPad applet support screen rotation? It is turned off by default. |
subPackages | App corresponding JSON file subPackages configuration items, subpackage structure configuration |
tabbar | App corresponding JSON file tabbar configuration items |
window | The JSON file window configuration items corresponding to the App |
workers | The directory where the Worker code is placed |
page | JSON file configuration items corresponding to the Page page |
prefix | describe |
ad | advertise |
audio | Audio. Starting from version 1.6.0, this component is no longer maintained. |
block | The block tag is not a component, it just wraps elements. It will not do any rendering on the page and only accepts control attributes. |
button | button |
camera | System camera. Requires user authorization scope.camera |
canvas | canvas |
checkbox-group | Multiple selector, internally composed of multiple checkboxes |
checkbox | Multiple selection items |
cover-image | A picture view that covers the native components. The native components that can be covered are the same as cover-view and can be nested in cover-view. |
cover-view | A text view that overlays native components. The native components that can be covered include map, video, canvas, camera, live-player, and live-pusher. Only nested cover-view and cover-image are supported. They can be used in cover-view. Use button |
form | Form, submit <switch/> , <input/> , <checkbox/> , <slider/> , <radio/> <picker/> input by the user in the component |
functional-page-navigator | Page link |
icon | icon |
image | picture. The default width is 300px and the height is 225px. The QR code/mini program code image in the image component does not support long press recognition. |
input | Input box |
label | To improve the usability of form components, use the for attribute to find the corresponding id, or place the control under the label. When clicked, the corresponding control will be triggered. for has a higher priority than internal controls. When there are multiple controls inside, the first control is triggered by default. The controls that can currently be bound include <button/> , <checkbox/> , <radio/> and <switch/> |
live-player | Real-time audio and video playback. The default width is 300px and the height is 225px. The width and height can be set through wxss. |
live-pusher | Real-time audio and video recording. User authorization is required for scope.camera and scope.record. The default width is 100% and there is no default height. Please set the width and height through wxss. |
map | map |
movable-area | The movable area of movable-view |
movable-view | Movable view container that can be dragged and slid on the page |
navigator | Page link |
open-data | Used to display WeChat open data |
picker-view-column | It can only be placed in <picker-view /> The height of its child nodes will be automatically set to be consistent with the height of the picker-view's check box. |
picker-view | Scroll selector embedded in page |
picker | Scroll selector. Three selectors are now supported, which are distinguished by mode, namely ordinary selector, time selector, and date selector. The default is a normal selector |
progress | progress bar |
radio-group | Single-item selector, internally composed of multiple <radio/> |
radio | Single choice item |
rich-text | rich text |
scroll-view | Scrollable view area |
slider | sliding selector |
swiper-item | Can only be placed in the <swiper/> component, and the width and height are automatically set to 100% |
swiper | Slider view container |
switch | switch selector |
text | text |
textarea | Multi-line input box |
video | video. The default width is 300px and the height is 225px. The width and height can be set through wxss. |
view | Basic view container |
web-view | A container that can be used to host web pages will automatically fill the entire mini program page. |
Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for me to work on this and other open-source projects.
For some code tips, please refer to self-expansion: ChandZhang/wechat-snippet-vscode