Create a new 800×600 pixel canvas, 72dpi, and fill the background layer with black. Name the new layer "Eavy Energy". Select a 35 pixel soft-edged brush and paint two horizontal strokes on the new layer using the color values #499E00 and #FFD800 as shown below. (Annotation: The position will affect subsequent distortion, about 1/3 of the canvas):
Filter->Blur->Motion Blur, parameter reference is as follows:
The result is as shown below:
Filter->Distort->Rotate Distortion, parameter reference is as follows:
Duplicate the Eavy Energy layer and hide the original layer. Adjust the saturation of the new layer: Image->Adjustments->Hue/Saturation. Lower the saturation to make it as shown below:
Then lower the opacity of the new layer to 64%. The result is as shown below:
Display the original layer and bring it to the front, and move it to the following position:
Then lower the opacity to 14%: