PS hand-drawing tutorial: Draw a romantic ninja girl comic background. This tutorial will follow the first part to create the background. Final effect.
Open it, then use the Ellipse Tool, create a new layer, and draw an ellipse.
Set the layer fill to 0% and double-click the layer to set the layer style, add gradient overlay mode, and a stroke effect. Color from #1bc0ff to #38a1ff, set the opacity to 20%, the stroke size to 2 pixels, the opacity to 30 - 35%, and the color to #487992.
Use the pen tool to draw a selection, create a new layer, set the fill color to #345160, set the Gaussian blur radius to 10, and adjust the layer fill to 50%.
Create a new layer, use the pen tool to draw an area, create a layer, fill it with #133d54, Gaussian blur radius is 10px, and the layer fill is 40%.
Select all the layers, then flatten them, copy the layers, then press the CTRL key to click on the base layer, then execute the extrusion filter, set the extrusion -60%, create a new layer with the extrusion selection, and fill the layer Adjust to 10%.