Search engines are always looking for new ranking algorithms to improve search quality and better serve web users. In fact, user satisfaction is the most important factor in increasing search engine market share. This is also the driving force that drives search engines to continuously improve and please users. Let us explore and reveal the future search engine algorithm trends.
Once upon a time, search engines were keyword-centric. Heavy keyword stuffing and the use of invisible text can lead to great search rankings. Then, Google used a new generation of link-centric algorithms. However, this algorithm is exploited and manipulated by spammy links.
Today, almost all search engines rely heavily on links as a ranking basis. But search engines try their best to reduce the impact of this factor. They are evaluating new potential algorithms to improve search quality and make spam less likely to survive.
1. Web page loading time
A reduction in page load time can quickly improve the user experience, so this will be used as a ranking factor.
2. Click on data
According to statistics, ranking first will get 42% of the clicks, ranking second will get 12% of the data, third, 9%, fourth, 6%, and so on. However, if a lower-ranking result gets 10% of the clicks it will displace a search result closer to it that gets 6% of the clicks.
3. Network citations
Web citations are recommendations or citation information that do not serve as links. Nofollow links no longer become meaningless.
For example, the US government website uses a large number of nofollow links to point to very valuable information. Remember: there is only one goal, and that is search quality.
4. Keyword Density
In the past, everyone tried their best to add more keywords to their web pages, but today's keywords that engines like are not the more the better. The more you want to see whether your density arrangement is appropriate, you can study all the websites ranked in the front of the engine. The corresponding keyword density is relatively reasonable.
Having said that: the important message is, reduce the impact of spam and focus on user satisfaction. If you build a website that appeals to a wide range of users, rather than a small group of users, your website will send a lot of signals to search engines and get better rankings.
ichefang ( ) Zeng Zhiqiang/Text