In the cold winter months, we webmasters not only have to back up data every day, but also monitor the status of our website server at all times. Once the server crashes or something goes wrong, we will be able to know the situation as soon as possible and restore the website immediately. Of course, it is unrealistic for us to conduct detection 24 hours a day, so Lu Songsong summarized some free website monitoring services here to let third-party tools detect our website.
1: Website nanny (domestic)
China Webmaster Station has launched a service to monitor the online status of servers. Free users can monitor a server in 30 minutes and receive email notifications. Paid users can receive text message notifications.
2: Site24x7 free website monitoring service (Chinese version)
Site24x7 has launched a Chinese version of website monitoring service, which can be used by registering a user. Once there is a problem with the server, Site24x7 will immediately send an email or text message to notify the webmaster. Lu Songsong is currently using Site24x7.
3: SiteUpTime website monitoring service (English version)
Free users can monitor a website every half hour, can monitor 4 ports, and provide 4 monitoring servers for users to choose from. When the website cannot be accessed, it will send an email to notify you. SiteUptime also provides free users with practical services such as statistical reports and monthly report emails.
4: WebPerform website monitoring service (Chinese version)
The Chinese version of the website monitoring service allows free users to monitor up to two websites every 60 minutes.
5: HostTracker website monitoring service (English version)
Free users monitor two websites every 30 minutes.
6: Pingdom website monitoring service (English version)
Free version users can only monitor one website or server, and the free service also includes 20 text message reminders per month.
7: Super website monitoring (domestic)
Super website monitoring detects a URL every 6 minutes, provides 10 free text message notifications, and 30 website error email notifications per month. Get informed immediately if there is a website error! Monitor your website 24 hours a day and notify you via text message and email immediately if the website is found to be abnormal.
8: Monitoring treasure (domestic)
Monitor the status of your website every 15 minutes. If there is a failure, you will be notified via Email, MSN and mobile text messages (free users are limited to 5 messages), and a daily monitoring report will be sent every day.
9: HyperSpin website monitoring (Chinese version)
HyperSpin sends alerts via mobile phone text messages or emails to monitor virtual hosts, web servers and servers at multiple bases around the world.
10: website monitoring (Chinese version)
If there is a problem with your website, it will send you a letter to notify you; you can also add statistics code to your web page to count the number of visits to your website; there are also software clients that can count the operating status of CPU, memory, hard disk, LAN, etc.
11: Internet Vista website monitoring (English version)
Internet Vista monitors your website 24/7 and will send you an email if your website is inaccessible.
12: Online Baba website monitoring (domestic)
There is no need to install any software on the host, and it is not restricted by the operating environment. It can be used not only by webmasters who have their own servers, but also by webmasters who use virtual spaces. 50 alarm services per year are provided free of charge.
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