Create beautiful golden roses quickly with Photoshop
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-01-18 12:12:42
Source: Picture Processing Network Author: Mian This tutorial introduces how to quickly adjust the material picture to gold. The general process: First convert the image to black and white, and use color correction tools to enhance the overall contrast and layering. Then use gradient mapping to adjust it to a golden tone, and then increase the saturation and sharpen it appropriately later.
Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image and press ctrl+j to get layer 1.
2. Create a new adjustment layer - Gradient Map, get Gradient Map Layer 1, and select black and white.
3. Alt+ctrl+shift+e stamps the layer to get layer 2.
4. Create a new adjustment layer - Brightness/Contrast, and get the Brightness/Contrast layer 1. The parameters are as shown in the figure.
5. Create a new adjustment layer - Gradient Map, and get Gradient Map Layer 2, as shown in the picture, yellow #ecac00, white by default.
6. Change the layer mode of Gradient Map 2 to "Color Dodge" and lower the opacity to "90%".
7. Create a new adjustment layer—Hue, and get Hue layer 1. The parameters are as shown in the figure.
8. Use alt+ctrl+shift+e to get layer 3, execute Filter - Sharpen - Smart Sharpen, the parameters are as shown in the figure.
Final effect: