Use channel calculation method to quickly whiten people with spots
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-03-14 13:43:45
Source: Siyuan Forum Author: Mo Ye Xingqing Channel calculation microdermabrasion is very suitable for people with spotty faces. Because it is easy to use channels, filters, calculations, etc. to make the spots and dark parts of the character's face very obvious. In the later stage, as long as you select the selected area of the spots and use the color adjustment tool to brighten it appropriately, you can achieve whitening that can maintain details. Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image material and press Ctrl + J to make a copy of the background layer.
2. Enter the channel panel and copy the green channel to get the green copy channel, as shown below.
3. For the green copy channel, go to Filter > Others > High Contrast Preserve, with a value of 10, as shown below.
4. For the green copy channel, execute: Image > Calculate, set the parameters as shown below, change the blending to "Brighten", and get the Alpha 1 channel after confirmation.
5. Execute the Alpha 1 channel: Image > Calculate, keep the parameters unchanged, and obtain the Alhpa 2 channel after confirmation. Perform the same operation on the Alpha 2 channel: Image > Calculation operation to get the Alpha 3 channel.
6. Load the Alpha 3 channel selection.
7. Return to the layers panel and press Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection as shown below.
8. Press Ctrl + M to adjust the curve, drag the middle point, and pull it up slightly. As long as your skin tone feels natural.
9. Merge all layers and use the stamp tool to modify the details to complete the final effect.
Final effect: