is a property in CSS that controls the behavior of an element when scrolling occurs and the scroll range exceeds its boundaries. This property is particularly useful for improving the user experience, especially on mobile devices. This property can be used to avoid the default "bouncy" effect or customize this effect when the user attempts to scroll an element that has reached the scroll limit.
overscroll-behavior: auto | contain | none; /* Or set separately for X-axis and Y-axis*/ overscroll-behavior-x: auto | contain | none; overscroll-behavior-y: auto | contain | none;
: default value. The element uses its default scrolling behavior. In most browsers, this means that scrolling will have a "bouncy" effect (i.e. the content will bounce back slightly after reaching the boundary) when exceeding the scroll range. contain
: Prevent the propagation of the scroll chain. If scrolling occurs on a specified element and the element's content has scrolled out of bounds, the scroll event will not be propagated to the element's parent element. This helps create independent scrolling areas and avoid unnecessary scrolling conflicts. none
: Prevents any default behavior when scrolling, including the "bouncy" effect. This means that when the user attempts to scroll an element that has reached its bounds, they will not see any scrolling effects or animations.Let's say you have a page that contains a scrollable inner area (such as a list or image gallery). If you want this inner area to stop when scrolled to the edge without producing the default "bouncy" effect, you can set it like this:
.scrollable-area { overscroll-behavior: none; height: 200px; overflow-y: auto; /* Allow Y-axis scrolling*/ }
In this example, the .scrollable-area
class is applied to the element where you want to control scrolling behavior. Set overscroll-behavior: none;
so that when scrolling to the top or bottom of the element, there will be no additional scrolling effects or animations.
Things to note
Not all browsers support theoverscroll-behavior
attribute. Therefore, adequate testing is recommended when relying on the functionality of this property. Some browsers may support overscroll-behavior-x
and overscroll-behavior-y
properties, allowing you to control horizontal and vertical scrolling behavior respectively. However, this support is also limited, so testing is required as well. Use this attribute with caution when designing user interfaces with accessibility and user experience in mind. In some cases, the default scrolling behavior (such as the "bouncy" effect) may be more intuitive and understandable for users.This concludes this article about the overscroll-behavior attribute in CSS. For more information about the CSS overscroll-behavior attribute, please search previous articles on downcodes.com or continue to browse the related articles below. I hope you will support me in the future. downcodes.com!