The default font size under IE6 is roughly between 12-14px. When you try to define a div with a height smaller than this default value, IE will stubbornly believe that the height of this layer should not be less than the line height of the font. So even if you use height: 6px; to define the height of a div, what is actually displayed under IE is still a layer with a height of about 12 px.
To solve this problem, you can force the font size of the div, or define the overflow attribute to limit the automatic adjustment of the div height. For example, <div style="height: 6px; font: 0px Arial;"></div> or <div style="height: 6px; overflow: hidden;"></div> can prevent IE from being smart.
This problem does not exist under IE7/Firefox/Opera.
<div style="height: 6px; overflow: hidden;">There is a problem when displayed in Firefox, for example:
<div id="idAnswer" class="ans_ques">
<div class="ans_ques_top"></div>
<div class="ans_ques_content">
<div class="ans_ques_bg_orange">
<div class="ans_ques_h_bg">
<span>I want to ask a question</span>
<img src="templets/img/squid_decoration.jpg" width="56" />
<p>We have opened a self-service problem submission system on our official website for you, and our customer service specialists will handle it for you as soon as possible! </p>
<div class="ans_ques_bottom"></div>
The class ans_ques_top is the upper background image, and the class ans_ques_bottom is the lower background image. The result of this design will cause the class ans_ques_top to shift to the right.