Many people are looking for a way to use DIV+CSS to create a rounded rectangle. Using the code below, you can easily achieve this very attractive rounded rectangle.
<style>{background:#ffc20e;width:50%}b{display:block;}/*Convert all B tags into block-level elements*/
div b.topb b,div b.bottomb b{height :1px;overflow:hidden;background:#ffc20e;}/*The css attribute value of the b tag with the class name topb/bottomb in the div tag – the height is 1px, the overflow part is hidden, and the background color is the same as the background of Color*/
div b.topb,div b.bottomb{ background-color:white}/*The background color of the class name topb/bottomb in the div tag must be consistent with the body background color*/
b.t1{margin:0 5px} /*The tag margin value will determine how much of the overflow value is hidden*/b.t2{margin:0 3px}b.t3{margin:0 2px}b.t4{margin:0 1px;height:2px;}
</style >
<div align=”center”><div class=”bg”>
<b class=”topb”><!–**The b tag contained in this b tag needs to be overflow hidden**–><b class=
<b class=”bottomb”><b class=”t4″></b><b class=”t3″></b><b class=”t2″></b><b class= "t1"></b></b>