1. Draw patterns in Photoshop, edit/define brushes.
2. Draw a path and create a new layer.
3. Adjust brush parameters.
4. Click the stroke button on the path cotton board. The effect is as follows. But I found that the patterns are all vertical along the page direction.
5 Continue to adjust the brush parameters.
The effect of tracing again is as follows. This is the benefit of "direction".
7. Duplicate this layer and use Free Transform to scale it to a suitable size.
8. Double-click to apply the transformation. Press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T to repeat the last transformation. The effect is as follows.
9. Merge all layers except the background layer. and duplicate this layer. Ctrl+T, move the center point of the transformation to the position shown in the image and rotate it 90 degrees.
10. Double-click to apply the transformation. Press Shift+Ctrl+Alt+T to repeat the last transformation. The effect is as follows.