Original picture
The final effect is as follows
1. Open the original image, press Ctrl + J twice to copy two layers, namely "Layer 1" and "Layer 2". Click the layer selection menu of Layer 2: Filter > Blur > Motion Blur The parameter settings are shown in Figure 1. Note that the angle is 45 degrees, return to layer one: execute the menu: Filter > Blur > Dynamic Blur parameter settings as shown in Figure 2, then change the layer blending mode of Layer 2 to "Overlay", the effect is as shown 3
<Figure 1>
<Figure 2>
<Figure 3>
2. Merge the two layers, Layer 1 and Layer 2, and change the blending mode of the merged layer to "Screen", add a mask to erase the character's face, the effect is as shown in Figure 4
<Figure 4>
3. Create a new layer and press the letter key "D" to return the background color to black and white. Then select the menu: Filter > Render > Clouds. After confirmation, change the layer blending mode to "Overlay", add a mask to erase part of the character, and the effect is as shown in Figure 5.
<Figure 5>
4. Create a new layer, use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to draw the selection shown in Figure 6, press Ctrl + Shift + D to set the Feather value to 35, then press Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection and fill it with black, press Ctrl + D to cancel the selection. Change the layer blending mode to "Overlay", the effect is as shown in Figure 7
<Figure 6>
<Figure 7>
5. Create a new layer and press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E to stamp the layer, then change the layer blending mode to "Screen", add a mask, and erase the areas except the face. The effect is as shown in Figure 8 .
<Figure 8>
6. Create a new layer and press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E and use the Topaz filter to sharpen it. The effect is as shown in Figure 9 Website Building Academy
<Figure 9>
7. Press Ctrl + J to copy the sharpened layer, and change the blending mode of the copied layer to "Soft Light". The effect is as shown in Figure 10
<Figure 10>
8. Create a new layer and press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E, then click on the channel panel, click on the green channel and press Ctrl + A to select all, press Ctrl + C to copy, click on the blue channel and press Ctrl + V to paste, and return to the image. The layer version effect is shown in Figure 11
<Figure 11>
9. Press Ctrl + M to adjust the curve and select the red channel parameter settings as shown in Figure 12. Press Ctrl + U to adjust the hue/saturation parameter settings as shown in Figure 13. After confirmation, add the silking effect and erase the character's body part as shown in the figure. 14
<Figure 12>
<Figure 13>
<Figure 14>
10. Use the burn tool to darken the areas that are too bright, and then adjust the overall color to complete the final effect.
Figure 15