Original picture
final effect
The first step is to adjust the curve to enhance the contrast.
The second step is sharpening. I sharpen the brightness layer in LAB mode. The data is as shown below
The third step is to drag in the white cloud material. The specific steps are to use the magic wand to select the sky, then copy and paste the white clouds into the selected area, and then perform appropriate free transformations.
The fourth step is to brighten the curve slightly to make the integration of the white clouds and the photo feel more realistic.
The fifth step is to adjust the picture to black and white. There are many methods, I directly reduce the saturation
The sixth step is to darken the corners and increase the contrast. The method is to keep the four corners to create a selection, then invert the selection, feather 45, and finally lower the curve.
The seventh step is to adjust the picture to a cyan tone and enter the specific values in the picture
I feel that the middle of the library is too white and too bright. Select and pull the curve to darken it appropriately.
Stamp the layer, make a copy, change it to Soft Light, and set the transparency to 35%.
Slightly darken the image and finally add the logo to complete it