In this Photoshop example, I drew a cartoon illustration of "a little rabbit holding a carrot". I first drafted it on paper, extracted the line draft in PS, and then used the magic wand to select and color it. The background was all processed by layer styles and filters. , suitable for practicing the basic skills of PS mouse painting.
Let’s take a look at the renderings first:
Drawing steps:
1. First draw a sketch of the bunny on the paper with pencil. Cartoon animals are relatively easy to draw. I will use PS to demonstrate the drawing process below.
Figure 1
2. Use an ordinary pen or gel pen to mark the pencil draft, and then wipe the pencil draft clean with an eraser. Scan the line drawing into the computer, use the magic wand tool to select the white background, Ctrl+Shift+I to invert the selection, and then Ctrl+J to copy, you will get the line drawing. Put the line drawing on top.
Figure 2
3. The method of drawing cartoon animals is basically the same, first draw the large shape and then the details. Here, first draw a round head and a bean-shaped body, and use a cross to indicate the direction of the face.
Figure 3
4. Then draw the basic shapes of the ears, hands and feet.
Figure 4
5. Add carrots between your hands.
Figure 5
6. Then draw the facial features and other details. In this way, you have a large shape. On this basis, you can carefully draw the accurate shape.
Figure 6
7. After the line drawing is processed, first create a new layer below to draw the background, because it is more convenient to color against the background. This layer is used to draw the sky. First fill this layer with white, and then check "Gradient Overlay" in the layer style, as shown below.
Figure 7
8. Set the gradient from white to sky blue as follows.
Figure 8
9. The sky background is ready. The reason why I don't draw directly with the gradient tool is because it is more convenient to modify the layer style.
Figure 9
10. Duplicate the sky layer with Ctrl+J and change the gradient in the layer style as follows from yellow-green to dark green to serve as grass.
Figure 10
11. Ctrl+T will freely transform the grass into the following shape to form a slope. In this way, the picture will not be flat and it will feel more lively.
Figure 11
12. Execute Filter/Noise/Add Noise and set as follows to increase the texture of the grass.
Figure 12
13. Then execute Filter/Blur/Motion Blur to complete the drawing of the grass.
Figure 13
14. Now let’s start coloring the rabbit. Create a new layer and name it "Back". Use the magic wand tool to select the following part and fill it with gray-blue.
Figure 14
15. Create a new layer and name it "Belly". Use the magic wand tool to select the following parts and fill them with white.
Figure 15