SIYUCMS enterprise website system is developed based on ThinkPHP6.0+AdminLTE-2.4, which is simple/easy to use/responsive/low threshold.
SIYUCMSv6.1 is developed based on the latest version of ThinkPHP6.0.2 framework, and the backend and front-end framework uses AdminLTE. The core concept of the system is to "make the most suitable CMS for the enterprise".
The system has built-in permission system, membership system, administrator log, content management, column management, database backup and recovery, template management, file management, SMS sending, email sending, label management, field management, module management, plug-in management, and code generation functions.
SIYUCMS has four built-in applications, inex, mobile, and api.admin, and is built using ThinkPHP multi-application mode.
SIYUCMS officially released version V6.1.5. The details of this update are as follows
1. Repair the link jump caused by pjax timeout (the default ajax timeout is 650 milliseconds, and the entire page is forced to refresh after timeout)
2. Add tag cloud tags, which can be used in articles and other places to obtain the top N popular tags.
3. Fixed the bug that the multi-image upload and multi-file upload fields cannot be deleted if they contain content.
4. Fixed the bug that caused the password field to be md5 again when adding an administrator in the background, resulting in the inability to log in.
5. Add treegrid plug-in, add expand and fold functions to column list and menu rule list
6. Optimize the background field list. Add, modify, list, search, sort, and whether these fields are required can be changed directly in the list.
7. Fix the bug that the next article is always the first one
8. Upgrade ThinkPHP to 6.0.5
9. Other problem fixes and detail optimization
The next version will upgrade AdminLTE to 3.0. Since the upgrade changes are relatively large, it is recommended to use this version as a stable development version if not necessary or wait until the new version is released and stabilized before upgrading.
SIYUCMS installation Download the SIYUCMS complete package and extract it to your local area (it is recommended to use git to pull it)
Bind your site to the public directory (strongly recommended)
Restore siyucms.sql in the folder to the database of your own project (you need to create the database yourself)
Modify the database configuration information in .env (debugging mode is also opened and closed in this file)
Visit the backend and log in to check whether it is normal. The backend directory is (if you cannot access, please try hiding index.php)
Default backend username: admin Password: admin