Do you know what is an important indicator to measure the quality of a website? It is the trust of the website! Each webmaster knows the update frequency, inclusion volume, inclusion rate and user traffic of the website through the webmaster tool, and based on these data, he can know the website operating conditions. Therefore, the trust of each website is very important. How to improve the trust of the website and then sublimate its trust to the final conversion rate?
How to judge whether a website is trustworthy?
First, try to increase the domain name usage time of the website as much as possible
Many Internet promoters know that the longer a domain name is used, the more advantage it has in ranking. The shorter the website domain name is used, the more time it will take to optimize it later, so that the website can be ranked higher. Because of this, many webmasters would rather spend a lot of money and optimize for a short time to buy an old domain name than spend less money and optimize for a long time to buy a domain name that they have never used. With the development of the Internet, there are more and more domain name investors on the Internet.
Second, reduce the number of dead links on the website to a minimum
Whether your links are dead links directly depends on whether spiders crawl these links. If there are too many dead links on a website, the spider will be unable to crawl when it reaches a certain link, and the spider will hit the wall everywhere. This not only affects the crawling efficiency of the spider, but also affects the good opportunity to build multiple indexes. .
Third, create a site map
What is the role of a site map? A site map can clearly and conveniently tell search engines the overall structure of a website, making it easier for spiders to understand the situation of the website faster and more accurately when crawling the website. Whether it is Baidu search engine or Google search engine, this function has been gradually improved, and currently webmasters of new sites cannot actively submit it. In order to allow spiders to crawl and crawl more effectively and in a timely manner, website maps have undoubtedly made a huge contribution to spiders.
Fourth, choose a more stable space
Baidu spiders visit more than thousands of links every day. Obviously, the stability of space is the key to the website. If your website is sometimes stable and sometimes unstable, haven't you shut out spiders? In the long run, the website will lose trust and the inclusion will be greatly reduced. Why do you have to increase the weight of your website? Spiders are like us. Like humans, they also have tempers. If you treat it like this, it will definitely become irritated and make you rewind the snapshot.
Fifth, simplicity is perfection.
Both humans and spiders like to take the simple path. Too much complexity will make us lose our direction and reduce our efficiency. If the website contains a lot of content and is large in size, this will seriously affect the speed of snapshot updates.
Sixth, design practical breadcrumb navigation
Practical breadcrumb navigation is essential. Users can clearly see their current location through sub-navigation, and they can also find the web content they are looking for.
Seventh, improve the search function on the site
Nowadays, the Internet is updating itself rapidly, and Baidu has to improve itself non-stop, so the needs of users are getting higher and higher. In this case, why don’t we start with the on-site search function? As the on-site functions are improved, doesn’t it also increase the user experience?
For a website, if the above seven points are not done well, it will be a stumbling block that affects the development of the website. Therefore, we must handle every detail carefully, plan the site reasonably, and reduce unnecessary modifications.
This article comes from China Weber Pioneer,, please retain the original address when reprinting.
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