Matomo website statistics system (formerly called Piwik) is an open source website visit statistics system built on PHP5+MySQL technology, formerly known as phpMyVisites. Piwik can give you detailed statistical information, such as the number of web visitors, the most visited pages, search engine keywords and other traffic analysis functions. In addition, it also uses plug-in extensions and an open API architecture, allowing users to create more functions according to their actual needs.
At the same time, as an open source project software, Piwik also encourages developers to expand and enhance its functions, and they will provide many conveniences to help your secondary development work.
The matomo website statistics system supports plug-ins. You can extend Piwik's functions through plug-ins, or remove some unnecessary functions. The user interface supports Ajax technology and is customizable. You can easily drag and drop controls to customize the reports you need.
Users independently own their own statistical data instead of storing it with a service provider, so they can use statistical data more flexibly without worrying about data loss.
The matomo website statistics system is a statistical tool installed on the server side. The installation process is very simple, but the server needs to support PHP5.1 and MySQL. During installation, upload Piwik to the server, then open the browser. Piwik will automatically run the installation. The whole process does not take more than 5 minutes.
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