Most of the time, I believe that if the webpage is opened for too long, the user will become increasingly intolerable, and the final outcome is to close the webpage, which is very likely to lead to some very serious consequences, such as losing a potential customer. ! In response to this situation, Zhumeng Network hereby puts forward the following suggestions: Yancheng Network
1. First of all, it is recommended that you optimize the pictures. A website testing study showed that the more images a website loads, the slower it will be, which will reduce the overall performance of the web page. Here we recommend that you try not to load too many images. Try to put all the images in one GIF or PNG format image, so that you can directly locate the parts you need. This improves overall performance. It is not recommended that you use true color JPG images here! Yancheng website construction
2. CSS optimization. I believe there are not many webmasters today who don’t know CSS! Yes, you only need to call the website once, only once, because it has been downloaded locally! According to another report on the overall performance test of CSS on the website, we should reduce the number of loaded CSS as much as possible and put all CSS in the same CSS file to reduce CSS download time. Of course, the author here recommends writing CSS code by hand, and does not recommend using Dreamweaver. Its redundant code is unacceptable to me! Nanjing Tattoo Master Tattoo
3. Writing of website HTML code. The benefits of DIV+CSS are self-evident. The main thing I want to explain here is that the page code should be as concise as possible. The problem caused by using tools such as Dreamweaver is that there are too many redundant codes. Here we recommend an HTML code formatting tool. , similar to notepad, notepad++, this is my favorite notepad software. Whether it's php, asp, HTML, CSS I will use it.
4. Reduce the amount of JS used. Using too much JS will reduce the overall performance of the web page. So don’t use JS too much to adjust too many ads and the like.
That’s all I have to say, let’s have a chance to communicate with you all!
My QQ: 23524426 Website:
Thanks to Nuomi from my hometown for the contribution.