Must-read instructions before shooting: The programs sold in this store are only for entertainment simulation testing and research. They may not be used for illegal purposes, violate national laws, or engage in illegal activities, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences! All legal liability consequences of using it for other purposes after purchase will be borne by the purchaser and our store has nothing to do with it!
Our store can support two openings
PC client, mobile client, merchant client language customization
Registration email verification code. SMS verification code docking
Mobile version + PC core functions
1. The mobile phone can switch between Traditional and English languages
2. Optimize front-end loading speed
3. Product search and store search functions
4. Interest shopping push
5. Product Wish List
6. Quick payment
7. Buyer product reviews
Merchant core functions
1. Total merchandise/one-click distribution
4. Automatically match order numbers
5. Merchants need to pay the purchase price to earn commissions when delivering goods.
6. Cash withdrawal: Merchant cash withdrawal
7. Transaction details. Commission details
Backend core functions
1. Product warehouse, merchants can distribute goods with one click
2. Merchant store review and product review
3. Merchant commission ratio: The merchant’s commission for wholesale shipments can be set independently by the merchant.
4. Products can be modified and merchants can adjust products on shelves
5. Multi-tiered product categories
6. Increase in multiple brands
7.Multiple administrator rights management settings