Source: PS Vision Network Author: Dudu There are many ways to create oil painting effects, and the most commonly used one is to use some art filters. The general process: First, simply polish and modify the details of the picture. Then copy or stamp the layer, use a filter to add a texture similar to oil paint strokes, and change the blending mode of the layer, and the basic effect will come out. There are many filter effects. You can try different filters to create more delicate effects.
Original picture
final effect
1. Open a picture to make an oil painting and click on the picture to unlock it.
2. Layer, add an adjustment layer, color levels, and create the values as follows.
3. Layer, add an adjustment layer, hue/saturation, and set the values as follows.
4. Add a new blank layer and press shift + ctrl + alt + e on the keyboard to stamp the visible layer.
5. Filter > Artistic > Dry Brush, set the values as follows.
6. Add a new blank layer and press shift + ctrl + alt + e on the keyboard to stamp the visible layer.
7. Filter > Texture > Texture, set the values as follows.
8. Change the blending mode color filter.
Final effect: